Yakovlev Yak-26 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-26, OKB designation Yak-123, was a Soviet tactical supersonic bomber aircraft flown at the Tushino air show on 24 June 1956. The model did not enter service. The Yak-123-1 prototype was developed from the subsonic Yak-25, and in parallel with the Yak-27 aircraft family, with the main goal of operating at supersonic speed.
雅克-26战斗机 - 百度百科
雅克-26战斗机,又称雅克-25D,绰号“闪光”(Flashlight-B), 是在雅克-25基础上研制的全天候截击机。1956年开始研制,1956年完成,1957生产。它的外形和雅克—25大致相同,机翼面积增加,冀根后掠角加大。
Yak-26 - 百度百科
Yak-26是在 Yak-25 的基础上研制的单座双发全天候 截击机,于1956年完成,1957生产。 后来由于 Yak-27 开始量产而只生产了10架。 尺寸数据: 翼展 10.96米,机长 17.16米,机翼面积 29平方米。 重量数据:正常起飞重量 11200千克。 性能数据:最大速度 1200千米/时,升限 16000米,航程 2200千米。 武器装备:四门23毫米机炮。 动力装置:两台РД-9A发动机,推力 2*19.6千牛。 Yak-26是在Yak-25的基础上研制的单座双发全天候截击机,于1956年完成,1957生产。 后来 …
雅克-26戰鬥機. 雅克-26戰鬥機,又稱雅克-25D,綽號“閃光”(Flashlight-B), 是在雅克-25基礎上研製的全天候截擊機。1956年開始研製,1956年完成,1957生產。它的外形和雅克—25... 雅克戰鬥機. 雅克戰鬥機由Yak-1發展而來的輕型截擊機,飛機最大重量僅2550Kg,是二戰戰鬥機中最 ...
Yakovlev Yak-25 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-25 (NATO designation Flashlight-A / Mandrake) is a swept wing, turbojet -powered interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft built by Yakovlev and used by the Soviet Union. The Yak-25 originated from a need for long-range Interceptor aircraft to protect the USSR's northern and eastern territory.
Yakovlev Yak-7 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-7 (Russian: Яковлев Як-7; NATO reporting name: Mark) [2] was developed from the earlier Yak-1 fighter, initially as a trainer but converted into a fighter. As both a fighter and later reverting to its original training role, the Yak-7 proved to be a capable aircraft and was well liked by air crews.
Yakovlev Yak-26 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-26 was a tactical supersonic bomber version of the Soviet Yakovlev Yak-27 (NATO reporting name 'Flashlight') developed in 1956. The Yak-26 was developed from the Yak-25, along with the Yak-27 family of interceptor fighter and reconnaissance aircraft.
Yakovlev Yak-26. Photo and video. The history and characteristics.
2015年4月2日 · Yak-26, classified by NATO as "Flashlight" is a supersonic bomber small OKB-115 series produced under the guidance of Yakovlev. The base for this aircraft machine-made Yak 25R. He is the first in the Soviet supersonic bomber.
Yakovlev Yak-26 - Wikiwand
The Yakovlev Yak-26, OKB designation Yak-123, was a Soviet tactical supersonic bomber aircraft flown at the Tushino air show on 24 June 1956. The model did not ...
Yakovlev, Yak-25/-26/-27/-28 (豆瓣) - 豆瓣读书
Yakovlev, Yak-25/-26/-27/-28 作者 : Gordon, Yefim/ Komissarov, Dmitriy (TRN) 出版社: Motorbooks Intl 页数: 128 定价: 216.00 元 装帧: Pap ISBN: 9781857801255 豆瓣评分