Yakovlev Yak-140 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-140 was a Soviet prototype lightweight supersonic fighter developed during the 1950s. The prototype was completed in 1954, but it was denied authorization to enter flight …
雅克141采用R-79V-300发动机,这是一个两轴增强的涡扇发动机,旁路比为1。 最大推力为14,000千克 (137.2千牛,WS-10A据说135.4千牛)。 后喷嘴可以从0度旋转到95度,以 …
Early Yakovlev Jet Fighters - AirVectors
The Yak-140 had a circular inlet in the nose with a moveable inlet cone, and mid-mounted wings with 55.5 degree leading-edge sweepback. The Yak-140 had a length of 13.34 meters (43 feet …
“滚回绘图板”航空史上那些被淘汰的方案99-雅克-140 - 每日头条
Yak-140 在当时应该具有惊人的推重比,根据计算,该推重比略高于 1,这对应于现代 F-15、F-16 的性能, MiG-29 或 Su-27 战斗机。 “滚回绘图板”航空史上那些被淘汰的方案99-雅克-140 - …
Yakovlev : Russia / Soviet Union (RUS / SOV)
The Yak-140 is an experimental fighter developed by the Yakovlev design bureau. Created in the mid-1950s, the Yak-140 fighter remained a mystery to both Western and domestic aviation …
雅克-141战斗机 - 百度百科
Yakovlev Yak-140 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-140 was a Soviet prototype light-weight supersonic fighter developed during the 1950s. It was completed in 1954, but was forbidden to enter flight testing and was …
yak-140 - SimplePlanes
I turned a trainer yak-130 to a fighter jet, toggle 1 for landing hook. PC and mobile game about building airplanes.
雅克-141是一架怎样的飞机? - 知乎
作为一个11.5吨和米格29差不多重的飞机,基本上以150千牛的单发R79F300证明了单大推飞机在燃油经济性和内油载荷系数方面的优势。 雅克-141内油载荷4.4吨,120米短距滑跑起飞时外 …
雅克-141战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年11月6日 · 雅克-141战斗机 (俄语: Як-141) 北约 代号“自由式”(Freestyle),是一架 苏联 研制的 超音速 垂直起降战斗机。 然而由于计划中止,Yak-141从未量产。 [1] Yak-141的 …