Yakovlev Yak-28 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-28 (Russian: Яковлев Як-28) is a swept wing, turbojet-powered combat aircraft used by the Soviet Union. Produced initially as a tactical medium bomber , it was also manufactured in reconnaissance , electronic warfare , interceptor , and trainer versions, known by the NATO reporting names Brewer , Brewer-E , Firebar ...
雅克-28 - 百度百科
雅克-28是苏联雅克夫列夫设计局所设计的第一种超音速飞机,该机以其难得的多才多艺而在世界航空史上被广为称道。 这种最初作为轰炸机而研制的后掠翼双发飞机,后来又发展出了侦察机、电子战飞机、教练机和拦截机等多种型号,甚至还在给列宁格勒传递 ...
Yak-28 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Yak-28 (Jak-28;ヤク28)は、 ソ連 の ヤコヴレフ設計局 で開発された超音速戦術または防空 戦闘機 である。 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)は、識別のため戦術戦闘機型に「ブリュワー」、防空戦闘機型に「ファイアバー」という NATOコードネーム をつけた。 複座の戦闘練習機型の存在も知られており、こちらのコードネームは「マエストロ」である。 1958年3月5日に初飛行を行い、1960年頃から生産が開始され防空軍に引き渡された。 それまで運用していた MiG …
雅克-28“雅科夫列夫”设计局最机密的飞机 - 百家号
2024年7月9日 · 雅克-28(“28号产品”,北约代号:Brewer—“酿酒师”)是一种苏联多用途超音速喷气式军用飞机。 首次飞行于1958年3月5日进行。 它是苏联首款大规模生产的超音速前线轰炸机。 雅克-28有多种改型,包括前线轰炸机、截击机、侦察机、电子战飞机和教练机。 博物馆中的飞机是Yak-28L(Як-28Л),也称为“28Л号产品”或“莲花”:这种改型轰炸机配备了DBS-2S“莲花”无线电指令差距测距导航系统,取代了雅克-28Б。 该型飞机共生产了111架,但未被正式列入服役。 …
Yakovlev Yak-28 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-28 was a swept wing, turbojet-powered combat aircraft used by the Soviet Union. Produced initially as a bomber, it was also manufactured in reconnaissance, electronic warfare, interceptor, and trainer versions, known by the …
Yak-28B | War Thunder Wiki
The Yak-28B (NATO Codename: Brewer-A), perhaps the last combat jet developed by Yakovlev to join the VVS, was also the first supersonic frontline bomber of the VVS. The design of the Yak-28 was based on the Yak-26 (Yak-123) to meet a VSS call for a new s…
苏军的空中多面手—雅克-28多用途战机 - 哔哩哔哩
雅克-28-1安装了升级版R-11A-300发动机(后续主要用于米格-21F),进气道截面为椭圆形,采用固定式激波锥,叉形设计的空速管也是比较少见。 试飞中武器载荷达到1.2吨,最大飞行速度1500千米/小时,最大升限16300米。 雅克-28(雅克129)原型机. 由于飞行测试过程发现航向稳定性不佳,因此机体又进行了微调,机翼内侧加装一对导流片,机尾下方增加一对外八字腹鳍,翼展增长翼尖超出辅助支撑轮外侧。 以雅克-26和生产型雅克-28B直观对比,整体外形看起来好像 …
Yakovlev Yak-28 (Brewer / Firebar) - Military Factory
2021年5月20日 · Post-World War 2 swept-wing research - coupled with advanced in turbojet technology - allowed the Soviet Union to field many capable aircraft types during the Cold War decades. One, often overlooked, multi-role performer became the Yakovlev Yak-28 which began operational service as a high-speed, medium tactical bomber.
Yakovlev Yak-28 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Yakovlev Yak-28 was designed by the Yakovlev design bureau as a swept-wing turbojet-powered combat aircraft in service with the Soviet Air Force. It was originally produced as a tactical bomber to attack ground and naval targets. The Yak-28 was also manufactured as a reconnaissance aircraft, interceptor, electronic warfare, and…
Yakovlev Yak-28 - 华文百科
Yakovlev Yak-28 (俄罗斯: 〜iblyisian:〜ib- -28 )是扫荡的机翼,涡轮喷射的苏联使用的战斗机。 它最初是作为战术中型轰炸机生产的,它也是在侦察,电子战,拦截器和教练版本中制造的,该版本分别以北约报告名称Brewer ,...
2020年4月7日 · 雅克-28-2原型机首先进行挂弹飞行测试,测试结果显示:挂载1.5吨弹药时海平面最大飞行速度950千米/小时,1万米高度以上可以达到1400千米/小时。 超音速实弹轰炸测试进行了两次,第一次飞机出现故障带弹返回,第二次爬升到12000米高度进入轰炸航线顺利完成 ...
Yak-28 FIREBAR - GlobalSecurity.org
The Yak-28 was the first serial tactic strike aircraft capable of flying the super-sound speed with full armament. The aircraft was equipped with the OPB-115 optic sight and RBP-3 radar bombsight.
Yakovlev Yak-28 (Brewer/Firebar) - War Wings Daily
The Yakovlev Yak-28 (Brewer/Firebar) was a Soviet twin-engine, supersonic bomber and reconnaissance aircraft from the Cold War era, known for its versatility and range.
Yakovlev Yak-28 – jmodels.net
TIPO:Bombardero medio, avión de reconocimiento, de guerra electrónica e interceptor. TYPE:Medium bomber, reconnaissance aircraft, interceptor and electronic warfare aircraft. ENVERGADURA:12,5 m. LONGITUD: 21,6 m. ALTURA:3,95 m. SUPERFICIE ALAR:37,6 m². WING AREA:405 ft². PESO EN VACÍO:9.970 kg.
Yakovlev Yak-28P, Amodel 7244 (2008) - Scalemates
Amodel model kit in scale 1:72, 7244 is a rebox released in 2008 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Yakovlev Yak-28 Brewer
Yak-28B - War Thunder Wiki
The Yak-28B (NATO Codename: Brewer-A), perhaps the last combat jet developed by Yakovlev to join the VVS, was also the first supersonic frontline bomber of the VVS. The design of the Yak-28 was based on the Yak-26 (Yak-123) to meet a VSS call for a new supersonic bomber with better payload and speed.
Jakowlew / Yakovlev Jak-28 / Yak-28 - Specifications
The Yakovlev Yak-28 is a twin-engined two-seat multi-role combat aircraft developed by the Soviet Design Bureau OKB Yakovlev (OKB-115). The Yak-28 was used as a medium bomber and fighter (interceptor) aircraft and served also in reconaissance and electronic warfare missions.
Yakovlev Yak-28 - Wikiwand
The Yakovlev Yak-28 (Russian: Яковлев Як-28) is a swept wing, turbojet-powered combat aircraft used by the Soviet Union. Produced initially as a tactical medium bomber , it was also manufactured in reconnaissance , electronic warfare , interceptor , and trainer versions, known by the NATO reporting names Brewer , Brewer-E , Firebar ...
Bobcat Models 1/48 Yak-28P Firebar Interceptor Kit First Look
The Yak-28 was larger, faster, and featured shoulder-mounted swept wings reducing the engines' susceptibility to FOD. The engines were R-11 afterburning turbojets, the same engine that powered the early MiG-21s.
Yak-28L, Amodel 72102 (2003) - Scalemates
Amodel model kit in scale 1:72, 72102 is a rebox released in 2003 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Yakovlev Yak-28 Brewer