Sakha Republic - Wikipedia
Sakha, [a] officially the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), [b] is the largest republic of Russia, located in the Russian Far East, along the Arctic Ocean, with a population of one million. [11]
Yakutsk - Wikipedia
The first version of the toponym came from the hydronym "Lena", the second, from "Yakutia", a synonym for Sakha, eventually became the main one in use. In 1708 it received city status as Yakutsk. [14]
República de Sakha – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A Sakha (russo: Саха́, tr. Sakha; em iacuto: Саха Сирэ, tr. Sakha Sire), também conhecida como Iacútia [2] [3] (russo: Яку́тия, tr. Iakútia), oficialmente República de Sakha (Iacútia) (russo: Респу́блика Саха́ (Яку́тия), tr. Respúblika Sakhá (Iakútia); em iacuto: Саха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, tr. Sakha Öröspüübülükete) é uma ...
Sakha | Republic, Map, History, & Facts | Britannica
Sakha, republic in far northeastern Russia, in northeastern Siberia. The republic occupies the basins of the great rivers flowing to the Arctic Ocean—the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma—and includes the New Siberian Islands between the Laptev and East Siberian seas. Sakha was created an
Life and Culture in Yakutia, One of Russia's Coldest Regions
2020年10月25日 · Take a look at life in Yakutia, one of Russia's coldest regions, through the lens of photographer Alex Vasilyev. The frigid temperatures don't stop Yakutia from producing as many as 10 feature films a year.
Yakutia: The Coldest Inhabited Place on Earth - GoNOMAD Travel
Yakutia is indeed a stunning place with the people not just surviving but thriving in a region that would be deemed inhabitable by many. Their culture, traditions, art, and spirituality have been shaped by the landscape and climate.
Yakutia - Wikitravel
2020年12月15日 · Yakutia (Russian: Яку́тия, yah-KOO-tee-yuh), also known as the Republic of Sakha, is located in the Russian Far East, and is notable for being the largest sub-national governing body by area.
Inside Yakutsk, Russia, The Coldest City In The World - All That's ...
2022年3月28日 · Situated on a remote slab of continuous permafrost, Yakutsk — the regional capital of the Sakha Republic, also known as Yakutia — has a population of 336,274 people and an average annual temperature of just 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
Yakutia, a região mais fria do mundo - Insoonia
Se você gosta do frio, vai adorar ir para Yakutia Campos do Jordão, no inverno; justamente por que Yakutia não é apenas fria, ela é literalmente congelante. A capital do estado de Yacutia, Yakutsk, localizada na Sibéria, possui cerca de 200 mil habitantes que convivem com temperaturas de -50ºC.
Sajá - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La república de Sajá, también llamada Yakutia (en yakuto: Саха Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ; en ruso: Республика Саха (Якутия)), [1] es la república más grande de Rusia que, junto con las otras 23 repúblicas, los cuarenta y siete óblast, nueve krais, cuatro distritos autónomos y …