What Is YAML? - IBM
Sep 11, 2023 · “YAML” is an acronym which stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" or "Yet Another Markup Language." The former is meant to underscore that the language is intended …
How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines?
Sep 6, 2016 · YAML makes wrong things look right - for example, an innocuous colon : within one string in a string array makes YAML interpret it as an array of objects. It violates the principle …
YAML Multi-Line Arrays - Stack Overflow
May 14, 2014 · In YAML, you can easily create multi-line strings. However, I would like the ability to create a multi-line array (mainly for readibility within config files) using the | character. A …
How can I write data in YAML format in a file? - Stack Overflow
Mar 29, 2024 · At the time this question was asked in 2012, the default flow style was None but since PyYaml 5.1, it's been False, so for recent versions of PyYaml (e.g. PyYaml 6.0.1), the …
If condition possible in yaml file? - Stack Overflow
Jan 15, 2019 · I suggest you read up on YAML (the specfication, the yaml.org website). 1) The recommended extension for YAML files has been .yaml since 2006. 2) You seem to be under …
How to pass a variable into a YAML template parameter and use it …
Feb 15, 2025 · In your Main yml, $(filePath) is marco syntax which is executed in runtime, while template is expanded at compile time before runtime, you should use template expression ${{ …
How can I create profiles with spring boot + .yaml?
Oct 3, 2018 · Create application-test.yaml and override properties needed for the test profile. Set spring.profiles.active by either passing it as a system property (-D for java) or defining it within …
Converting YAML file to python dict - Stack Overflow
Just use python-benedict, it's a dict subclass that provides I/O support for most common formats, including yaml. from benedict import benedict # path can be a yaml string, a filepath or a …
Get YAML for deployed Kubernetes services? - Stack Overflow
May 12, 2017 · Syntax for downloading yaml's from kubernetes. kubectl get [resource type] -n [namespace] [resource Name] -o yaml > [New file name] Create yaml file from running pod: …
In Python, how can you load YAML mappings as OrderedDicts?
Feb 26, 2011 · import yaml import yaml.constructor try: # included in standard lib from Python 2.7 from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: # try importing the backported drop-in …