Yan-C-Bin - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Yan-C-Bin (pronounced: /jɑːnˈsibɪn/ yan-SEE-bin[5]), also known as the Prince of Evil Air,[6] was a powerful archomental from the Elemental Plane of Air.[2] He was referred to by a number of names and titles, including the Prince of Evil Aerial Creatures,[2] the Shadow of …
Yan-C-Bin - 5etools
Bestiary: Yan-C-Bin. Menu. Home; Rules . Rules Glossary; Tables; Books . View All/Homebrew; Quick Reference (2014)
Yan-C-Bin - Search - D&D Beyond
Yan-C-Bin can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop there. He can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing if air could pass through that space. Empowered
Yan-C-Bin - Great Library of Greyhawk
Yan-C-Bin is an archomental, the Prince of Evil Aerial Creatures. His symbol is a silver-white circle. Yan-C-Bin is normally an invisible, amorphous cloud, and is usually only felt as a slight disturbance in the air. He is about ten feet in diameter and weighs 3 pounds. Two glowing eyes may appear in his cloudlike body.
Yan-C-Bin - Baldur's Gate Wiki
Yan-C-Bin - also known as the Evil Prince of Air, Howling Hatred, or Shadow of the Four Winds - is a powerful Archomental encountered during the final confrontation with Amelyssan in The Throne of Bhaal.
Yan-C-Bin (Prince of Evil Aerial Creatures) - 1eonline.info
As Prince of evil aerial creatures, Yan-C-Bin can summon one of the following groups once per day: 1-3 air elementals, 1-4 cloud giants, 1-4 invisible stalkers or 1-3 wind walkers. Lightning attacks are ineffective against Yan-C-Bin, but fire attacks
Yan-C-Bin » Monster Stat Block - DnD 5e - AideDD
Yan-C-Bin is the Prince of Evil Air. His natural form is an invisible vortex of howling, swirling air.
What is the origin of the name Yan-C-Bin? - Role-playing Games …
2023年2月21日 · I'm planning a story arc for my D&D campaign that will heavily involve the elemental plane of air, with Yan-C-Bin being the BBEG at the end. The name Yan-C-Bin is very strange, and I'm wondering where the name even came from.
Yan-C-Bin - Greyhawk Wiki - ghwiki.greyparticle.com
2013年2月28日 · Yan-C-Bin has a large clan of ninja dedicated to him, as well as an order of shugenja and monks. He is often revered by dervishes and swashbucklers. Cloud giants often worship him, as do those who favor aerial mounts.
Yan-C-Bin | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Yan-C-Bin is the elemental prince of air and evil winds. While his form is as fickle as his element, constantly changing, he tends to appear as a tall, long-haired humanoid or merely a mass of dreadful wind with piercing eyes.