Crosstalk between YAP/TAZ and Notch Signaling - PubMed
This review outlines a new scenario by which the crosstalk between the Yes-associated protein/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (YAP/TAZ) transcription factors and Notch signaling influences cell self-renewal, stem cell differentiation, cell fate decisions, epithelial-stromal interactions, inflammation, morphogenesis, and large ...
YAP/TAZ link cell mechanics to Notch signalling to control ... - Nature
2017年5月17日 · Here we find that mechanical signals use YAP/TAZ to control Notch signalling: YAP/TAZ transcriptionally regulate the expression of Notch inhibitors, such as the epidermal SC factor DLL1,...
Crosstalk between YAP/TAZ and Notch signaling - PMC
A YAP/TAZ-Notch signaling crosstalk. There are two main modalities by which YAP/TAZ and Notch signaling cascades have been reported to interact: YAP/TAZ-mediated transcriptional regulation of Notch ligands or receptors; and joined transcriptional co-regulation of common direct targets genes by YAP/TAZ and NICD . Below, we review different ...
经典信号通路总结——Notch信号通路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人体有5种Notch配体,分别是Jagged 1、Jagged 2、Delta 1、Delta 3和Delta 4。 Notch配体与受体结合后触发Notch信号的活化,Notch受体相继发生2次蛋白水解,并进一步转移到细胞核,从而激活靶基因的转录,发挥生物学功能。
A conserved YAP/Notch/REST network controls the …
2022年5月16日 · Using intratumoral heterogeneity in small-cell lung cancer as a tractable model system, we uncovered a role for the transcriptional regulators REST and YAP as promoters of the neuroendocrine to...
<br>保守的 YAP/Notch/REST 网络控制着肺部神经内 ... - X-MOL
Notch 通路是一种保守的细胞间通讯通路,控制细胞命运决定。 在这里,我们试图确定 Notch 通路激活如何抑制肺部神经内分泌细胞的命运,这是由 Notch 信号传导精心策划的细胞命运决定的典型过程,在分子水平上仍然知之甚少。
NOTCH-YAP1/TEAD-DNMT1 Axis Drives Hepatocyte …
DNMT1 loss prevented NOTCH/YAP1-dependent HC-driven cholangiocarcinogenesis, and DNMT1 re-expression restored ICC development following TEAD repression. Co-expression of DNMT1 with AKT was sufficient to induce tumor development including ICC.
YAP/TAZ 将细胞力学与 Notch 信号联系起来以控制 ... - X-MOL
从机制上讲,至少部分地,这是由 YAP/TAZ 与激活 Delta 样配体表达的远距离增强子结合介导的,充当“ 在顺式'Notch抑制剂中。 因此,YAP/TAZ 机械转导与细胞间通讯途径相结合,用于 SC 决策的细粒度编排。
YAP Accelerates Notch-Driven Cholangiocarcinogenesis via
The current study found that activation of the Yes-associated protein (Yap) proto-oncogene occurs during Notch1-driven iCCA progression. After co-expressing activated Notch1 intracellular domain (Nicd) and Yap (YapS127A) in the mouse liver, rapid iCCA formation and progression occurred in Nicd/Yap mice.
Notch 信号转导 - Cell Signaling Technology (CST)
Notch 信号转导在多细胞生物中是一条进化上非常保守的通路,可在发育过程中调控细胞命运决定并维持成人组织的稳态。 Notch 通路介导近分泌细胞信号转导,其中,信号发送和接收细胞均受到配体-受体交互作用的影响,进而在神经元、心脏、免疫和内分泌发育 ...