Yaron Nili - Duke University School of Law
Yaron Nili is a corporate law and securities law scholar whose research focuses on traditional corporate governance, the role and function of boards of directors, shareholder activism, hedge funds, and private equity. He joined the faculty of Duke Law School in July 2024.
Yaron Nili - Google Scholar
Servants of two masters? The feigned hysteria over activist-paid directors.
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Drafted legal opinions in the areas of civil and corporate law, administrative law, constitutional law and criminal law. Prepared comparative American law memoranda on topics ranging from the applicability of the poison pill in Israeli corporate law to the right to relocate buried remains and the constitutional rights of the dead.
Nili, Yaron | ECGI
Yaron Nili is a corporate law and securities law scholar whose research focuses on traditional corporate governance, the role and function of boards of directors, shareholder activism, hedge funds, and private equity. He joined the faculty of Duke Law School in July 2024.
Yaron Nili - Bibliography | Duke University School of Law
The Feigned Hysteria Over Activist-Paid Directors, 18 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 509-572 (2016)
Yaron Nili, scholar of corporate and securities law, joins Duke Law ...
2024年7月2日 · Yaron Nili, a scholar and teacher of corporate law, corporate governance, and securities law, joined Duke Law School on July 1 as a professor of law. Most recently, Nili was a professor of law and the Smith-Rowe Faculty Fellow in Business Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School.
Yaron G. Nili | Scholars@Duke profile
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Author Page for Yaron Nili - SSRN
Yaron Nili, The 'New Insiders': Rethinking Independent Directors' Tenure, 68 Hastings Law Journal 97 (2016), Univ. of Wisconsin Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1390
Yaron NILI | Harvard University, MA | Harvard | Harvard Law …
Yaron NILI of Harvard University, MA (Harvard) | Read 2 publications | Contact Yaron NILI
Yaron Nili | CLS Blue Sky Blog
2024年5月28日 · Independent directors were originally conceived as guardians of shareholder interests who could safeguard a corporate board’s ability to check management’s power. They have since become a marquee feature of modern corporate governance. What, though, makes a director independent? Scholars, regulators, …