Yasda - Precision Machine Tools and Machining Centers
Yasda Precision America is the Leading Japanese manufacturer of precision machine tools, machining centers, CNC machining centers, 5 axis machines, jig borers for hard milling, die mold, micro milling, mold base and machines for aerospace.
We work tirelessly to provide new solutions for ever-evolving industries. The CNC JIGBORER offers the ultimate accuracy in boring and milling. With high speed and accuracy machining capabilities, high precision mold and die making is now a simple task.
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Micro Center YMC 430 - YASDA
YMC 430 is the state-of-the-art high-end machine that meets the constantly increasing demand for ultra-high precision and high quality in the micro machining fields. YASDA's original high precision X-Y table is designed and developed to pursue "infinitely square" and …
YASDA’s best-selling machines, YBM640V & YBM950V employ a new futuristic design to inspire customers imaginations. Utilizing this motto, YASDA builds high precision machining centers with high durability. Supporting YASDA’s machining centers is our commitment to manufacturing. There are no events scheduled at this time.
Yasda CNC Machining Centers - Methods Machine Tools
Unlock advanced CNC machining with Yasda machines, featuring robust guideways for superior long-term accuracy, rigidity, and thermal stability in manufacturing.
HOME - 安田工業株式会社
YASDAのマシニングセンタを支えるのはモノづくりへのこだわりです。 誰でも”簡単”な”切削”加工を実現したシステム。 高品質な”試作”で各業界の課題を解決します。 精度に挑み続け、世界中で最高峰と認められたYASDAクオリティ。 このプライドを胸に、共にこだわりのモノづくりに挑んでくれる仲間を募集しております。 1㎛以下の世界へ、一緒に飛び込んでみませんか? お気軽にお問い合わせください。 © YASDA PRECISION TOOLS K.K. All Rights Reserved.
CNC Jigborer YBM 640V - YASDA
CNC Jigborer Reliable solution for 5-axis die and mold making. YBM Vi40 equipped with high rigidity and accurate rotary B/C axis realizes excellent responsiveness and high-precision and high surface quality.
Why Yasda? | Yasda Precision America
Latest CNC control utilizing YASDA’s user-friendly software functions. Extra-high repeatability of pallet change within a few μm, for all models, by having curvic coupling system or unique pallet change mechanism. Ultra-high accuracy in in-house built tilting rotary tables: RT tables for YMC Series, YBM Ti / TT Series, YBM Vi40, etc.
About Yasda Precision Machine Tools | Yasda Precision America
Yasda Precision America provides technical solutions before sales, training, and support of precision machining tools, CNC machining centers, 5 axis machines, and jig borers. Hand scraping achieves accurate machining.