YASDA - CNC Jigborer YBM Vi40
The preload self-adjusting spindle developed by YASDA realizes a high degree of accuracy through whole speed range. ATC Vi40 is equipped a automatic tool changer (ATC) with 60 tools standard.
The YBM Vi40 fulfills the growing needs for high-precision 5-axis milling machines due to the increasing complexity of parts and dies and molds, the increasing hardness of materials, and the increasing quality of the machined surface.
YBM Vi40 Ver.Ⅲ - 安田工业株式会社 - yasda.co.jp
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The “YBM Vi40 Ver. II” equipped with high rigidity and high precision BC axis on the Y-axis realizes excellent controllability and damping performance by minimizing differences in mass of movable bodies on each axis as much as possible and sets movable bodies with a large mass to a lower center of gravity.
YBM Vi40 Ver.Ⅲ - 安田工業株式会社
部品や金型の複雑化・高硬度化・加工面の高面品位化によって高まる、5軸加工機へのニーズを網羅 機械仕様 移動量 (X/Y/Z) 900/500/450mm 主軸回転速度 100~24,000min-1 主軸テーパ形状 MA […]
YASDA CNC JIGBORER YBM Vi40 MOLD & DIE MILLER Structure based on YBM series known for highly accurate and rigid machines. Installing highly rigid and accurate rotary B/C-axis on the Y-axis realizes excellent control performance minimizing weight differences in movable bodies on each axis and setting the heavy movable bodies to lower center of ...
YASDA YBM Vi40 - 5-Axis Vertical Jig Boring - Methods Machine …
The YBM Vi40 is a highly accurate, rigid, and reliable solution for 5-axis die and mold making. This machine can deliver high performance for high-precision machining of extremely hard materials in complicated shapes which are difficult for a 3-axis machine.
自营 YASDA亚司达 YBMVi40 立式五轴联动数控加工中心 - SCZY
自营yasda亚司达 ybmvi40 立式五轴联动数控加工中心 采用高刚性龙门对称结构,搭载高刚性高精度BC轴,最大程度减小各轴移动体的质量差,将质量较大的移动体配置在低重心位置,实现了优异的可控性和衰减性
日本进口安田Yasda雅思达超精密高精度五轴联动加工中心机床vi40 …
日本进口安田Yasda雅思达超精密高精度五轴联动加工中心机床vi40 刀,而在加工铜或石墨材料的电火花加工用的电极时,要求很高的切削速度,因此,电主轴必须具有很高的转速。
日本安田yasda雅思达机床vi40五轴联动加工中心超高精度0.003微米. 第一、缩短整个加工的流程 钻攻中心一般都是加工小铝件为主,也便是一般人们所说的产品。它加工的方针的标准一般都比较小,很少会呈现大的工件。