Yashica Y16 - introduction - submin
2005年7月10日 · The Yashica Y16 first appeared in 1959. Following the now familiar bar shape design it is 100x50x31mm and weighs 220g without film. It has a Yashinon 25mm (f/3.5-16) fixed-focus lens (a few sources cite an f/2.8 version) and the typical 10x14mm negative size.
YASHICA Y16 user manual, Yashica 16 instruction manual - Butkus
The Yashica Y16 incorporates an unique method of film winding. The film is wound by holding the camera between the forefinger and the thumb of the right hand, with the forefinger placed on the winding disc and the thumb on the bottom of the camera.
Yashica Y16.奇特的16MM相機. - Mobile01
2022年4月8日 · Yashica Y16是一款製作精良.外觀傳統的16MM袖珍底片相機. 採用琺瑯金屬製成的長方形.淺灰色.面板有多種顏色可供選擇. 它使用膠捲盒裝片.片匣盒非常容易裝入取出.可在拍攝中途更換.
Y16是日本Yashica公司1959年出品的东西,使用16mm的胶卷进行拍摄。 当初生产的时候,除了墨绿色的前脸之外,还有金色和蓝色等等。 有兴趣的各位不妨在网上查查看,因为我对颜色的描述,实话实说,并不一定准确。
Yashica 16mm Variations - submin
2005年7月7日 · Yashica Y16. The Yashica Y16 first appeared in 1959. Following the now familiar bar shape design it is 100x50x31mm and weighs 220g without film. It has a Yashinon 25mm (f3.5-16) fixed-focus lens (a few sources cite an f2.8 version) and the typical 10x14mm negative size. The focal plane shutter has speeds of 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200 and S.
Yashica Y16 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年10月21日 · Yashica Y16 and user manuals at Submin.com; Yashica Y16 at Subclub.org; Yashica Y16 instruction manual in English at Orphancameras.com; Yashica Y16 pictures at pbase.com; In Japanese: Yashica Y16 at Minokan's website
Yashica Y-16 - Sub Club
It is a high-quality, attractive, well-designed submini with several innovative features. Rotating dials (on the bottom of the camera) adjust the f-stop and shutter speed with easy readouts on the top of the camera. Shutter speeds of S (that's "S", not "B") plus 1/25 - 1/200.
Yashica Y16 Guide - manualzz
Yashica Y16 is a precision instrument capable of bringing you some of the finest photographs you have ever taken. It is a versatile camera that can be used for a variety of photography applications, from everyday snapshots to professional-quality portraits.
Yashica Y16 - thegashaus
2018年6月24日 · The Yashica Y16 is a very well built and capable camera. Its poor sales were due primarily to the proprietary cassette system that was dropped on Yashica’s later 16mm cameras. The camera came in several color combinations all gray with accent colors.
YASHICA Y16 ヤシカ | foto-poohのブログ 写真と模型を愛する人へ
ヤシカY16(正式にはyashica-16)は最初から初心者をターゲットに設計されていて、ピントは固定、絞りとシャッター速度は完全マニュアル、そしてシャッターにはsというモードがあり、シャッターのボタンの押し具合でシャッター速度を調整できる不思議な ...