Yāska - Wikipedia
Yāska (7th–5th century BCE [1]) was an ancient Indian [2] grammarian [3][4] and linguist [5].
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Yaskawa America Inc. Home - Yaskawa
Yaskawa is the leading global manufacturer of variable frequency drives, servo systems, machine controllers, and industrial robots. Our standard products, as well as tailor-made solutions, are well known and have a high reputation for outstanding quality and reliability.
耶斯迦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
耶斯迦 (梵语: यास्कः)是先于 波你尼 的 梵语 语法学家 (公元前六-五世纪,依据乔治敦大学的 Shukla 考证)。 他的著名著作是《尼禄多》,处理词的 词源 、 词法范畴 和 语义。 他被认为继承了 Śākaṭāyana,在他的文本中提到过这位更老的文法家和吠陀评注者。 他有时被称为 Yāska ācārya (ācārya = 导师)。 《尼禄多》尝试解释词如何得到它们的意义,特别是在解释 吠陀 经文的语境中。 它包括了从词根和词缀形成词的规则系统,和不规则词的 词汇表,并形成了 …
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Yaskawa global site
YASKAWA has grown to become one of the leading suppliers of AC servos, AC inverters, CNC controller systems, robotics, and systems integration.
Yaska | Sanskrit scholar | Britannica
The nirukta (etymology) of Yaska, a 5th-century- bce Sanskrit scholar, tells of various attempts to interpret difficult Vedic mythologies: the adhidaivata (pertaining to the deities), the aitihasika (pertaining to the tradition), the adhiyajna (pertaining to the sacrifices), and the adhyatmika (pertaining to the spirit).
Yāska - Wikiwand
Yāska was an ancient Indian grammarian and linguist (7th–5th century BCE). Preceding Pāṇini (7th–4th century BCE), he is traditionally identified as the author of Nirukta, the discipline of "etymology" (explanation of words) within Sanskrit grammatical tradition and the Nighantu, the oldest proto-thesaurus in India.
Industrial robots | Yaskawa Global Site
Yaskawa announced the Japan’s first all-electric industrial robot under the brand name MOTOMAN in 1977, and since then we have shipped nearly 500,000 units all over the world. Yaskawa develops and optimizes servo motors which are the main components of industrial robots MOTOMAN by ourselves.