YBBN International 2020 by CDG - Oceania - Threshold
Mar 15, 2020 · YBBN (Brisbane International) is one of the largest airports in Australia, and with the opening of its new Parallel Runway in July 2020, will be the largest airport in Australia, and also have the biggest capacity. CDG have benefited from having some of its members working in the real-life projec...
ybbnaviation - Threshold
Nov 10, 2019 · Regional Express is an Australian airline which recently acquired the Boeing 737-800 aircraft. This file contains all six B738 aircraft operated by REX. Contains: - VH-PAG (Orange text) - VH-REX (Blue text) - VH-RQC (Blue text) - VH-RQG (Orange text) - VH-RQP (Blue text) - VH-RYU (Blue text) Installation: 1. Create a folder within the aircrafts main file directory titled …
[General] Supported Airports - Features - Threshold
Dec 9, 2018 · AbhishekB - VILK Lucknow AbhishekB - VANP Nagpur AbhishekB - VOTV Trivandrum AbhishekB - VECC Kolkata Vertical Simulations - KORF Norfolk Vertcial Simulations - KPVD Providence Vertical Simulations - KGEG Spokane Sarvesh Asopa - VASU Surat antb1 - OOSA Salalah antb1 - OEAB Abha Risuali - OJAI Amman maverick555 - EGGW London …
YBCG - Gold Coast International Airport by Zero Dollar Payware 1.0
Oct 12, 2021 · Gold Coast Airport is an international airport on the boarder of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Prior to 2020, the airport saw approximately 6.48 million domestic and international passengers through its terminal. International destinations included New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Mala...
NZHTG - Helicopter Training Ground v3 - Oceania - Threshold
Apr 19, 2019 · Fix some objects placements Library elements update (update your OpensceneryX to version 4.1.0) NZHTGC H1 helipad size adjustments the AW139 won't fall of from the helipad if you are using it as a starter location
Oceania - Threshold
Apr 28, 2019 · WELCOME TO THE DOWNLOADS PAGE DOWNLOAD: Use the category list on the right to find your category of files or use the search box to find what you want. UPLOAD: To upload use the submit a file button on the right. Please upload to the right category. If you can't find the right category upload to "Other". Uploading files requires permissions. For instructions …
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antb1 - OEAB Abha Risuali - OJAI Amman maverick555 - EGGW London Luton CDG - YBBN Brisbane ferreirabruno - SBDN Prudente janis22 - KPIE St. Petersburg XFiber - KGRR Grand Rapids