RCFans论坛 yd2各车型讲解 - Powered by Discuz!
可以买yd2,如果能不退坑一直玩并且钱包充足,推荐买最高配,因为op件真的贵。 最早我买的yd2plus版,转向是第一代的,后来出了二代,现在还出了直驱滑轨,真的是眼馋,无奈一套滑轨套件都快上千,直接把我劝退了。
YD2 Buyer's Guide! There are over 14 YD2's WHICH ONE AND …
2018年10月27日 · A lot of people have asked about which YD2 they should purchase and why? With Yokomo releasing over 14 variations, it can get quite confusing! Especially if you are not certain of what is the same and compatible. Here's a brief run down of the models available on the market, and their retail price: Original YD2 Series (Available at Launch of YD2)
yokomo yd2使用/改造 指南 - RCFans|遥控迷 - Powered by Discuz!
玩yd2也有段时间了,很车友交流出了一些经验,与大家分享一下。 首先是车架方面,首选yd2s系列和yd2z。 先说s系列吧:有预算建议直接yd2sx,到手再op个前下摆就ok了,顶配车跑起来自然舒适。
TDP - Élite Drift Shop
Team Drift Pigeon is introducing his new RWD Rc Drift chassis conversion for the well known Yokomo YD-2. The PE-One was developped with a performance oriented goal, as well as reliability and low weight. TDP has produced this wonderful conversion using high end materials such as carbon fiber, anodised aluminum and stainless steel.
RCFans论坛 神布线了解一下-yokomo yd2 - Powered by Discuz!
后波箱电机位置更加靠后,比yd2 s更加靠后的 这样分布到后面的重量会更多 同时车子重心也不会像普通改高置那样贼高 自己定做的toxic有毒底板二楼板套件 二楼板直接连接前后波箱 也省去了金属前支撑和金属波箱的两个连接件 直接将四个件一体化做成一个二楼板
Yokomo 推出带OP和组装完成的 YD-2 - RCFans
2021年5月11日 · Yokomo计划在2021年7月下旬推出Full Options + Factory assembled (标配原厂升级件和出厂组装完成)的RX和SXIII YD-2漂移遥控车。 由Yokomo厂车队挑选的OP件清单,保证了性能需求,同时降低后期改装升级的成本。 将提供黑色、紫色和红色供选择。 裤子都脱了,你就给我来这个? 百变不离其中,yd2plus真香。 全OP。 {:惊讶:} {:惊讶:} {:惊讶:} 要是对新人友好的话。 买一个玩玩.
RCFans论坛 二手yd2车架选择,请大佬们帮看看哪个好 - Powered …
2014年11月19日 · 可调性来说2更好,后轮是拉杆调toe的布局,前悬挂转向组设计上解决了最大角度内侧轮可能会被卡住没办法回中的问题,内置避震消除了避震对前轮的干涉,理论上车宽选择更丰富。 不过缺点是套件绝版了,玩坏了配件难找,不过漂移基本不坏 而且超后置布局相对来说可能会抛一点。 要我选我肯定是选2. 可调性来说2更好,后轮是拉杆调toe的布局,前悬挂转向组设计上解决了最大角度内侧轮可能会被卡住没办法回 ... 都不好,新手要这些op干嘛? 能说说新手 …
TDP pe-one conversion for yd2 is now a reality! First batch of TDP …
TDP pe-one conversion for yd2 is now a reality! First batch of TDP pe-one conversion for yd2 are getting packaged and ready to meet their owner’s La...
TDP Rc Canada - TDP pe-one conversion for yd2 is now in.
TDP Rc Canada - TDP pe-one conversion for yd2 is now in... Is this sold as a complete car? Congratulations, wish you so much success with it.
TDP PE-One Premium YD-2 Conversion Slide Rack ... - Strickly …
TDP PE-One Premium YD-2 Conversion Slide Rack Version Yellow PE1-SRY Team Drift Pidgeon - YELLOW