Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 - Wikipedia
Ye-266M Designation applied to MiG-25M when used for record breaking in 1975 and 1977, including setting an absolute altitude record for a jet aircraft of 37,650 m (123,520 ft) on 31 August 1977.
全身70%不锈钢,却创造了多个世界纪录的“古董”战机-米格-25 –
2024年7月21日 · 三架原型机各装两台R-15B-300发动机,并在1965~1977年间,以E-266代号创造过8项飞行速度,9项飞行高度和6项爬升时间的世界纪录。 设计/性能. 气动布局: 有米高扬设计局与苏联中央空气流体动力学研究院共同的研究的米格-25气动布局与之前的米格式飞机有较大差别,采用中等后掠上单翼、两侧进气、双发、双垂尾布局型式。 是现代主流喷气战斗机中第一个使用双垂尾的机型。 全动水平尾翼。 机翼的后掠角为42°,下反角5°,相对厚度4%,展弦比3.2, …
E-155M (E-266M) «FoxBat» - Испытатели
In 1976, the testing of R15BF2-300 engines aboard the MiG-25RB were accomplished. A.Fedotov and P.Ostapenko in 1975 on the MiG-25RB #601, which in protocols of the FAI was known as E-266M with RD-F engines, put up three world records …
MiG-25 FOXBAT - GlobalSecurity.org
The Ye-155 prototype was assigned a secret designation of "Ye-266" (Ye-266M) and utilized as a record-breaking platform. These records were acknowledged by the Federation Aeronautique...
MiG-25 Foxbat: Soviet Supersonic Icon in Aviation History
2024年12月9日 · Highest Sustained Altitude by a Jet-Powered Aircraft: In August 1977, MiG-25 pilot Alexander Fedotov reached an altitude of 37,650 meters (123,523 feet) while piloting the specially modified Ye-266M variant (a development of the MiG-25).
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - MiG-25 'Foxbat'
Though the B-70 project was eventually abandoned, the MiG-25 program continued and eventually produced the fastest fighter in the world. The MiG-25 is designed only for high …
The incredible MiG-25… - War History
2020年6月6日 · Powered by a combination of jet and rocket engines, the machine aircraft promised dazzling performance. It could intercept targets flying at 2,500mph (4,000km/h) at 18-30 miles (30- 50km) high more than 100 miles away. Armament was to include K-9 air-to-air missiles (AAMs), with plans to replace them with the more advanced K-155s.
1977年8月31日,苏联试飞员亚历山大·费多托夫(Alexander Fedotov)驾驶换装R15BF2-300增推型发动机的Ye-266M原型机爬升到了37650米高度,创造了喷气机依靠自身动力的飞行高度之最。
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 (Foxbat) Supersonic Interceptor ...
2023年10月3日 · On August 31st, 1977, a Ye-266M fitted with a pair of R-15-BF2-300 engines set a speed record at 123,523.62 feet. Of the 29 records claimed by the new Soviet design, several were not broken until the early-to-mid 1990s while others remain even today.
MiG-25 FOXBAT - Variants - GlobalSecurity.org
MiG-25R "Foxbat-A" - tactical Reconnaissance Production Variant. The FOXBAT A aircraft, originally designed to counter high-altitude threats, was also deployed in a high-altitude reconnaissance...