Ye Shengtao - Wikipedia
Ye Shengtao (28 October 1894 – 16 February 1988) also known as Ye Shaojun, was a Chinese writer, journalist, educator, publisher and politician. He was a founder of the Association for Literary Studies ( 文學研究會 ), the first literature association during the …
叶圣陶(中国现代作家、教育家、文学出版家、社会活动家)_百度 …
叶圣陶(1894年10月28日—1988年2月16日),男,原名叶绍钧,字秉臣、圣陶,生于 江苏 苏州。 现代作家、 教育家 、文学出版家和社会活动家,有“优秀的语言艺术家”之称。 1907年,考入草桥中学。 1916年,进 上海商务印书馆 附设尚公学校执教,推出第一个童话故事《稻草人》。 1918年,发表第一篇个人 白话小说 《春宴琐谭》。 1928年,发表长篇小说《倪焕之》。 [3] 1949年后,先后出任 教育部 副部长、 人民教育出版社 社长和总编、中华全国文学艺术界联 …
Ye Shengtao | Modernist, Novelist, Educator | Britannica
Ye Shengtao (born October 28, 1894, Suzhou, Jiangsu province, China—died February 16, 1988, Beijing) was a Chinese writer and teacher known primarily for his vernacular fiction. Ye taught at primary schools after his graduation from secondary school and in 1914 began writing short stories in classical Chinese for several periodicals.
叶圣陶 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
叶圣陶 (1894年10月28日—1988年2月16日),原名 叶紹鈞,字 秉臣,笔名有 叶陶 、 圣陶 、 桂山 等, 江苏 苏州 人, 中国 現代 作家 、语文 教育家 及出版人。 他是 五四運動 首個新文学社团 文學研究會 的創立人之一,終身致力於 出版 及 語文 的教學。 其 座右銘 “文學為人生”甚為有名。 1894年10月28日,叶圣陶出生于苏州 吴县 懸橋巷。 父親是管田租和婚嫁的帳房。 三歲識字,1900年,進陸氏家塾,次年,進 張承臚 所辦私塾學習,與 顧頡剛 、 王伯祥 、 郭紹虞 、 …
China Wiki – The free encyclopedia on China, china.org.cn
Ye Shengtao died on February 16, 1988. A prolific writer, Ye holds a prominent place in the history of modern Chinese literature. Apart from his poems and plays published in the early 1920s, his Scarecrow , published in 1923, has been generally recognized as the first fairy tale in its authentic sense ever written in China.
Suzhou China - Suzhou Government
In the 33rd year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign (1907), Ye Shengtao was admitted to Suzhou No. 1 Middle School. He worked as a primary school teacher in counties and towns for ten years since 1911. Ye published over 10 stories written in classic Chinese, including “Down and Out” and “A Shortcut to Success” in such journals as Saturday and ...
Ye Shengtao - Literature is for Life - China Daily
Ye Shengtao (28 October 1894 — 16 February 1988) was a prominent author, educator and publisher. He was one of the founders of the Association for Literary Studies, the first literature association during the May Fourth Movement in China. Throughout his life, he was dedicated to publishing and language education.
叶圣陶研究会 - mj.org.cn
Ye Shengtao (1894-1988, born Ye Shaojun, also known as Bingchen) was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. A famous modern editor, educator, writer and social worker, Mr. Ye started his career as a primary school teacher upon his graduation from high school in 1912.
Ye Shengtao | Academy of Chinese Studies - The Splendid …
Ye Shengtao (1894–1988), a renowned writer, educator, publisher, and one of the founders of the first Literary Research Society during the May Fourth Movement, dedicated his whole life to publishing and language education.
Ye Shengtao: Legacy of a Chinese Literary Pioneer - dayhist.com
2025年2月16日 · Ye Shengtao, a name that resonated with countless readers and students alike, passed away at the age of 94. His departure marked not only the end of an era but also a significant loss for those who appreciated his contributions to Chinese literature and education.