What does "yeah" mean in American? [closed] - English Language …
2014年11月8日 · In pop songs, "yeah" is often used is a gap-filler with no real meaning except perhaps to emphasise what has come before it: "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah". This use is …
synonyms - When is it appropriate to use "Yeah" and "Yep" as …
Yeah can also be used in a partial negation [yeah, but] meaning that you are affirming only a portion of the question. Friend: Did you get movie tickets for me with the money I gave you? …
"Yeah Right" expression - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Yeah, right. could also be interpreted as another variation of . I know, right? It entirely depends on inflection when speaking. When written, if the ending punctuation is an exclamation . Yeah, …
When does 'okay' work as an answer to a question to replace yes?
2016年2月18日 · yeah, and please make sure you don't use okay where it is clearly a yes or no question. it's highly annoying and can possibly make the recipient very angry because they'll …
Is there a clean version of "no sh*t, Sherlock"?
2013年3月18日 · The phrase "no shit, Sherlock" or just "no shit" is a reply used when someone else points out something obvious. I was thinking about it the other day and I realized I don't …
politeness - Can "Sure" be used to respond to "Thanks"? - English ...
2011年7月21日 · In OP's context, Sure as a response is simply a polite/vague/positive word with friendly connotations. It doesn't really mean much at all; you could compare it to replying with …
What is the meaning of "I got you"? - English Language & Usage …
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
Yeah. No! Or Yeah, no! - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年12月28日 · Unless the person responding has just made a mistake initially, and said "yeah" when they meant to say "no" and then corrected themself. In which case either would …
What is the difference between "ok" and "alright"?
2014年8月4日 · If you believe the Orl Korrect etymology, I think it relates to American Military jargon, presenting on parade. In the computer and mobile world, it has a special role as being …
formality - Why is "yeah" considered unprofessional? - English …
2014年2月9日 · I have read in many places on the Internet that "yeah" is considered unprofessional. And that using "yes" is preferred and considered more formal. What is the …