1364 - Wikipedia
Year 1364 (MCCCLXIV) was a leap year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar. February 15 – Joint kings Magnus Eriksson and Haakon Magnusson of Sweden are both deposed by noblemen, who instead elect Magnus's nephew Albrekt of Mecklenburg the new king of Sweden. February 20 – David II of Scotland marries Margaret Drummond. [1]
Year 1364 - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
What happened and who was notable in 1364? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 1364.
1364年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
二月, 朱元璋 西吴军 廖永忠 部兵临 武昌 城下, 陈友谅 之子 陈理 出降,被 朱元璋 封为归德侯。 孛罗帖木儿 以“清君侧”为名带兵闯入 大都,太子 爱猷识理答腊 被迫流亡到 王保保 (扩廓帖木儿)的控制区 太原。 缅甸 北方的 掸族 政权 孟卯 先后洗劫了 实皆 和 彬牙,实皆公主 索敏 (英语:Soe Min Kodawgyi) 之子、实皆国王 明标 的继子 德多明帕耶 于同年处死了 明标,控制了两国被毁灭的首都,于 缅甸 东部 阿瓦 建立 阿瓦王国。 瓦卢瓦王朝 查理王子继位,称 查理五世。
1364年 - 百度百科
二十四年(1364),孛罗帖木儿兵逼大都,皇太子战败,出亡冀宁(今山西太原),投奔扩廓帖木儿军中。 其时,爱猷识理达腊欲仿效唐肃宗灵武故事,自立为帝,遭扩廓帖木儿反对。
1364年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
二月, 朱元璋 西吴军 廖永忠 部兵臨 武昌 城下, 陳友諒 之子 陳理 出降,被 朱元璋 封為歸德侯。 孛羅帖木兒 以「清君側」為名帶兵闖入 大都,太子 愛猷識理答臘 被迫流亡到 王保保 (擴廓帖木兒)的控制區 太原。 緬甸 北方的 撣族 政權 孟卯 先後洗劫了 實皆 和 彬牙,實皆公主 索敏 (英语:Soe Min Kodawgyi) 之子、實皆國王 明標 的繼子 德多明帕耶 於同年處死了 明標,控制了兩國被毀滅的首都,於 緬甸 東部 阿瓦 建立 阿瓦王國。 瓦盧瓦王朝 查理王子繼位,稱 查理五世。
1364 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1364 (MCCCLXIV) was a leap year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar, the 1364th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 364th year of the 2nd millennium, the 64th year of the 14th century, and the 5th year of the 1360s decade.
What Happened In History Year 1364 - EventsHistory
Historical Events for the Year 1364. 12th May » Jagiellonian University, the oldest university in Poland, is founded in Kraków, Poland. 28th July » Troops of the Republic of Pisa and the Republic of Florence clash in the Battle of Cascina.
Key Events of 1364: A Year in Review | Hisdates.Com
2025年3月14日 · Collection of famous and memorable historical events happened around the world in the year 1364, nicely categorized month wise and many more.
IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE YEAR 1364. - history-page.com
Find out who all was born in 1364. Are you interested in important events in the year 1364? Here you can find out what all happened in the year 1364.
1364 - acearchive.org
The year 1364 was a time of great upheaval and change throughout the world. From Europe to Asia, key events were taking place that would shape the course of history for years to come. Let's take a closer look at some of the most significant events that occurred during this time.
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