913 - Wikipedia
Year 913 (CMXIII) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. June 6 – Emperor Alexander III dies of exhaustion while playing the game tzykanion (Byzantine name …
Year 913 AD - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
What happened and who was notable in 913 AD? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 913 AD.
九一三事件 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
九一三事件,又称 林彪事件,指1971年9月13日凌晨发生于 蒙古人民共和国 肯特省 温都尔汗 附近的一起 空难 事件。 事发前, 中共中央副主席 林彪 与 中共中央主席 毛泽东 之间的关系因 …
What Happened In 913 - Historical Events 913 - EventsHistory
What happened in the year 913 in history? Famous historical events that shook and changed the world. Discover events in 913.
913年 - 百度百科
不久道袭罢归重典机要。前蜀 永平 三年、后梁 乾化三年 (913)七月初,二人终因争权而刀兵相向。唐道袭告太子谋反,征兵入宿卫,元膺遂与同党攻道袭,杀之。蜀高祖调兵讨乱,诛元膺 …
913 - Wikiwand
Year 913 (CMXIII) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. June 6 – Emperor Alexander III dies of exhaustion while playing the game tzykanion (Byzantine name …
How Long Ago Was 913 AD? | HowLongAgo.net
Deep Dive: 913 AD to Present. The year 913 AD, or 1111 years ago, was a significant time in history. Let's break down this vast timespan: Time Calculations. Years: 1111; Months: 13332 …
塞外沉冤--林彪9.13事件始末 (修订版) - 讲一些故事
2024年9月12日 · 1971年9月13日凌晨,林彪一家搭乘一架三叉戟飞机,从北戴河机场起飞,越过国境,在蒙古国境内坠毁,机场9人全部遇难。 在此事件后,中国展开批林批孔运动,大批军 …
Calendar for Year 913 (United States) - timeanddate.com
United States 913 – Calendar with American holidays. Yearly calendar showing months for the year 913. Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month
Chinese year 913
What chinese year is 913? Chinese zodiac animals, love compatibility, horoscope and lucky numbers.
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