Jul 9, 2015 · Hi Devesh, In terms of converting from kg to t: 1 kg = 0.001 metric ton, in other words, 1t = 1000 kg. We don’t convert CO2 to CO2e. CO2e refers to carbon dioxide equivalent, and is used to describe greenhous
Feb 5, 2008 · GaonSathi is different from Gram Rozgar Sevak. This is originally introduced in Orissa first as per prior instruction from Union Government. GaonSathi will represent voices of registered labourers/ Job card holders of the village and their needful job aspirations.
Jun 28, 1997 · more about the stain. Randi had been in the son's room when he heard Sandy's gasp and some. muttering. His dog ears perked up, and he immediately left the room. looking for the source of the sound. He sound found it, along with something. else he wasn't expecting. Sandy was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the carpet with the washcloth.