Identification and antibacterial evaluation of endophytic ...
2022年10月29日 · Fifty percent of isolates were isolated from leaves samples using YECD medium. Our results showed that the sampling time and seasons may affect the bacterial diversity. All six strains had antibacterial activity against at least one of the tested bacteria S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and E. coli .
Merck | 生命科学产品和服务解决方案 - MilliporeSigma
用于 mAb 研究、开发、制造、配方和质量控制的产品和服务。 定制产品和服务,如DNA寡核苷酸、RNA、siRNA、多肽库和AQUA多肽。 我们在CRISPR/Cas9产品和服务方面的创新解决方案深受全球信赖。 探索我们新上线的网站功能,增强您使用Merck网站的体验。 Merck提供咨询服务,帮助客户 优化工作流程,克服生命科学研究、生物制造和分析测试领域的复杂挑战。 携手同行,以科学引领生命健康之道。 我们拥有业内广泛的科研产品组合、先进的药物研发和制造能力, …
Isolation and identification of endophytic actinobacteria from
2022年10月10日 · Four media including YECD, PDA, HV, and TWYE were used to isolate potential actinobacteria. Five strains were isolated from YECD, one strain from TWYE and none from HV and PDA. This result indicated that YECD was the most suitable and successful medium for isolating endophytic actinomycete followed by TWYE.
Identification and anti-bacterial property of endophytic ... - Nature
2023年8月12日 · Endophytic actinobacteria (EA) have currently been considered as one of the most prospective group of microorganisms for discovery of therapeutic agents. This study aimed to isolate EA from...
丝瓜内生放线菌的鉴定及抑菌评价,Scientific Reports - X-MOL
使用 yecd 培养基从叶子样品中分离出 50% 的分离株。 我们的结果表明,采样时间和季节可能会影响细菌多样性。 所有六种菌株都对至少一种测试细菌具有抗菌活性金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌和大肠杆菌。
CDD Conserved Protein Domain Family: yecD_yerC - National …
This model represents a protein subfamily found mostly in the Firmicutes (Bacillus and allies). This family is similar in sequence to the trp operon repressor TrpR described by TIGR01321, and represents a distinct clade within the broader family described by pfam01371.
Isolation and identification of endophytic actinobacteria from ...
2022年10月10日 · Endophytic actinobacteria (EA) which are well-known producers of bioactive compounds could provide novel antibiotic against pathogenic bacteria. This research aimed to isolate EA from the Citrullus...
Cultivation-Dependent Characterization of Endophytic Actinomycetes
2010年8月1日 · Four different isolation media (Table 1), namely Yeast extract-casein hydrolysate agar (YECD) (38), potato dextrose agar (PDA) (39), Tap water yeast extract (TWYE) (40), and humic acid-vitamin...
YECD - 商标 - 爱企查
Identification and antibacterial evaluation of endophytic ...
2022年10月29日 · Three strains, closely related to S. microflavus, S. intermedius and S.praecox were reported as endophytes for the first time and they were isolated from leaf and root samples using YECD and TWYE...