YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from - Nature
2017年9月12日 · We showed that the yeeJ gene is present in ~40% of 96 completely sequenced E. coli genomes and that YeeJ exists as two length variants, albeit with no detectable …
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We show that YeeJ is both surface-located and present in the bacterial supernatant and that its LysM domain binds to peptidoglycan and is required for optimal YeeJ
YeeJ 是一种来自大肠杆菌的反向自转运蛋白,可与肽聚糖结合并促 …
YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from Escherichia coli that binds to peptidoglycan and promotes biofilm formation. Escherichia coli is a commensal or pathogenic bacterium that can survive in diverse environments.
YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from Escherichia coli that …
2017年9月12日 · Autotransporter proteins are a class of cell-surface factor used by E. coli for adherence. Here we characterized the regulation and function of YeeJ, a poorly studied but widespread representative from an emerging class of autotransporter proteins, the inverse autotransporters (IAT).
YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from Escherichia coli that binds …
We showed that the yeeJ gene is present in ~40% of 96 completely sequenced E. coli genomes and that YeeJ exists as two length variants, albeit with no detectable functional differences. We demonstrated that YeeJ promotes biofilm formation in different settings through exposition at …
反向自转运蛋白 YeeJ 的组装由其 C 端 β 链驱动,Journal of …
2024年8月20日 · YeeJ 是一种来自大肠杆菌 MG1655 的自转运蛋白。 与大多数其他自转运蛋白相反,其乘客结构域位于易位结构域的 C 末端。 由于这种反向结构域组织,YeeJ 属于 Ve 型自转运蛋白。
(PDF) YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from Escherichia coli that ...
2017年12月1日 · We showed that the yeeJ gene is present in ~40% of 96 completely sequenced E. coli genomes and that YeeJ exists as two length variants, albeit with no detectable functional differences. We...
The Assembly of the Inverse Autotransporter Protein YeeJ is …
2024年10月15日 · Autotransporter proteins are bacterial outer membrane proteins that display passenger domains with various functions through a β-barrel shaped translocation domain. YeeJ is an autotransporter protein from E. coli MG1655. In contrast to most other autotransporter proteins, its passenger domain is loc …
【计算机视觉】INRIA 行人数据集 (INRIA Person Dataset)_inria …
2020年1月9日 · INRIA Person 数据集用来对图像和视频中的直立行人进行检测。该数据集包含两类格式的数据,第一类为原始图像和相应的直立行人标注。第二类为标准化为 64x128 像素的直立性人正类和对应图片的负类图像。