SJTU - Ye Lab
MOREResearch. Design, fabrication and optical properties of plasmonic nanomaterials. Biomedical applications of plasmonic nanomaterials. Surface enhance Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
叶幼琼-上海市免疫学研究所 - 上海交通大学医学院
版权所有:2015年上海交通大学医学院 上海市免疫学研究所 电话:021-63846383 传真:021-63846383. 沪公网安备 31009102000053号 沪ICP备18007527号-1 邮箱:[email protected]
Nat. Commun. | 上海市免疫学研究所叶幼琼团队开发以恶性-边界
2023年2月21日 · 叶幼琼,研究员,博士生导师,上海交通大学医学院/上海市免疫学研究所课题组长(PI)(http://www.yelab.site/)。 课题组围绕肿瘤(边界)微环境,以生物大数据为驱动,构建算法、开发工具,结合生物信息分析、基础实验、临床队列研究等阐释肿瘤边界微环境中重要调控因子对肿瘤进展及免疫逃逸的作用机制;并利用多维数据构建免疫治疗疗效预测模型,为免疫治疗研究提供新思路新策略。
Ye Lab - SJTU
We take full advantage of the multi-omics data in human cancer, combine with innovative bioinformatics methods, wet experiments, and clinical cohort to investigate the roles of tumor microenvironment in tumor development, immune escape and immunotherapy, and provide novel therapeutic strategies based on tumor spatial microenvironment (Journal of...
2024年10月24日 · Oral zero-valent-molybdenum nanodots for inflammatory bowel disease therapy.
FPSOmics is an R package to calculate ferroptosis score (FPS) and multidimensional ferroptosis-associated molecular signatures. FPSOmics designed a novel score model based on ferroptosis-related genes (FRGs) using single sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA).
2024. Du Y#, Shi J#, Wang J, Xun Z, Yu Z, Sun H, Bao R, Zheng J, Li Z, Ye, Y. Integration of Pan-Cancer Single-Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics Reveals Stromal Cell Features and Therapeutic Targets in Tumor Microenvironment.Cancer Res 2024 Jan 16;84(2):192-210.; Shi J#, Wei X#, Xun Z, Ding X, Liu Y, Liu L, Ye, Y.The Web-Based Portal SpatialTME Integrates Histological Images with Single-Cell ...
SpatialTME is a database offering spatial transcriptomics slides for different cancer types and tools to explore spatial TME.
Ye Lab. Ye Lab © 2022. for Shanghai Institute of Immunology. 沪ICP备2022016530号