Yelan Best Builds and Artifacts | Genshin Impact|Game8
2025年1月24日 · Yelan is a 5-Star Hydro Bow character in Genshin Impact. Check out Yelan's build, ascension materials, best weapons, best artifacts, talent priority, skills, teams, and our rating of the character in this build guide! Character Tier List | Best Characters. • Amazing Sub-DPS character. • Her Talents help fill in the downtime of Main DPS characters.
Genshin Impact Yelan Build - Genshin.gg
After using Depth-Clarion Dice, Yelan will enter the Mastermind state. In this state, all of Yelan's Normal Attacks will be special Breakthrough Barbs. These Breakthrough Barbs will have similar abilities to normal ones and the DMG dealt will be considered Charged Attack DMG, dealing 156% of a normal Breakthrough Barb's DMG.
夜兰 - 原神WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
璃月总务司的工作公开透明,上至玉京台高官,下至八门基层雇员,都在政务名录中留有基本信息。 唯独自称就职于此的夜兰是个例外。 多数同僚都没听过她的大名,名录中亦查无此人。 这一点倒是跟夜兰本人的风格相当符合——神出鬼没,变幻无常。 她犹如一条幽灵,常以不同面目出现在各色事件中心,又赶在风暴停歇前消失无踪。 偶尔,会有一方势力得到她的协助,但就在他们沾沾自喜时,同样的协助很快又出现在另外一方身上。 吃过亏的人无不对此咬牙切齿,可即便如 …
Yelan Build Guide | Genshin Impact - Traveler.gg
2023年9月8日 · Its HP sub-stat is what Yelan scales off of which increases her overall DMG dealing abilities. Main DPS: Hu Tao (C0+) → DMG amplified via Vaporization reaction. Sub DPS: Yelan (C0+) → Provides continuous off-field Hydro application. Elemental Burst increases Hu …
Yelan Leaderboard - seelie.moe
Discover the top Yelan builds. Import your profile now to see your character ranking.
ideal stats for c0 yelan : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2023年2月5日 · You need to keep in mind that hp%=crit stats on Yelan, they are extremely good on her so don't throw away pieces that rolled some into hp% instead of those people who throw away pieces that aren't 30cv. For example a hydro goblet with 9.7cr/10%hp/5er is practically the same as hydro goblet that rolled with 9.7cr/13cd/5er.
Yelan - GI Database
Yelan is one of the best DPS Burst Supports in Genshin Impact! She’s a great battery due to her second skill giving a lot of energy and damage, especially with the Favonius Warbow. Her burst deals constant damage which drastically increases your dps output in many parts of the game.
Genshin Impact Yelan Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Weapons
As with many characters, Yelan’s Burst is her main source of damage and value. Her skill can be increased as well for some extra damage. Lastly, her Normal Attack is not needed when using Yelan as a support. If you want to build Yelan for damage and shoot enemies with a lot of Breakthrough Barbs, you can level up her Normal Attack.
What is the best build for main dps yelan? And also, can ... - Reddit
2023年6月10日 · Emblem buffs specifically burst damage. Pre-C6, most of Yelan's damage is her burst. The Yelan on IWTL's channel probably had C6, which makes most of Yelan's damage Breakthrough Barbs (charged attack damage) instead. In that case, going 2p/2p HP and/or hydro damage makes sense since Emblem's 4p buff wouldn't work on those Barbs.
Genshin Impact: Yelan Build Guide - GameRiv
2022年6月4日 · Yelan can be played as a Main DPS character, a Sub-DPS, or even as Hydro support, depending on how you build her. But it’s best to use her as a Burst DPS or as Hydro support because she is excellent at them over her DPS role.