Horizontal stripe on yellow lab? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年4月22日 · To me, this is a nice bright yellow lab with a bit more barring than desirable, but at the size of 1.5 inches, the fishy may well grow out of it. I have definitely had fish with this …
Very aggressive yellow lab - Cichlid Fish Forum
2008年8月13日 · Yeah i think that is a hybrid too. It doesnt have that bright yellow of a lab, its got a more orangeish hue. I think its body looks more like a red zebra too. IMO yellow labs are a …
Problems With Yellow Lab? - Cichlid Fish Forum
2021年9月29日 · Your Yellow Lab is visibly getting thrashed in that tank. Yellow Labs are not a very aggressive Cichlid. And while I have no idea what the 'hybrid' you mention may actually …
Electric Blue Hap and Yellow Lab Hybrids | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年1月4日 · Sometime over the past year in a 15 gallon tank, we had two fish. One Yellow Lab, (Labidochromis caeruleus I believe) and one Electric blue Hap (Sciaenochromis fryeri). …
Yellow Lab | Cichlid Fish Forum
2008年5月2日 · I have one yellow lab fry without black and both of its parents have black. I also bought the parents from a very reputable dealer so I know they are not hybrids. Perhaps this …
Yellow Lab - OK to keep one fish? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年1月3日 · The general schooling fish, tetras, swords, etc are an option, for sure. I have one cichlid that has lived a long life mostly on his own, so I thought I'd consider another. I won't …
How long and how many? yellow lab holding | Cichlid Fish Forum
2008年12月26日 · First clutches are usually smaller than subsequent clutches. I think the largest clutches I've ever had from my full size adult Yellow labs were 30-35. If this is her first time, …
Yellow Lab Fry - Cichlid Fish Forum
2017年7月23日 · The yellow labs are among the lesser aggressive mbuna and they are also one who will crossbreed very easy. That makes for lots of hybrids/mutts. since yellow labs are so …
Yellow lab turning black? - Cichlid Fish Forum
2022年2月9日 · Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding on of my yellow lab cichlids. I purchased it from my LFS just under a week ago and in the last couple of days, it has started …
Yellow lab - no black | Cichlid Fish Forum
2009年5月1日 · Example would be the yellow lab, demasoni, Acei combo rarely produces hybrids providing adequate females are provided for each male. The reason is they are completely …