Alexandre Yersin - Wikipedia
Alexandre Émile John [1] Yersin (22 September 1863 – 1 March 1943) was a Swiss-French physician and bacteriologist. He is remembered as the co-discoverer (1894) of the bacillus responsible for the bubonic plague or pest, which was later named in his honour: Yersinia pestis.
亞歷山大·耶爾森 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
亞歷山大·埃米爾·約翰·耶爾森(法語:Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin,1863年9月22日—1943年3月1日),又譯叶赫森、耶爾辛,瑞士裔法國醫生和細菌學家。 他是 鼠疫桿菌 的發現者之一,因此鼠疫桿菌的正式學名以 Yersinia pestis (鼠疫耶爾森菌)命名。
Alexandre Yersin | Discoverer of Yersinia pestis, Nobel Prize …
2025年2月25日 · Alexandre Yersin was a Swiss-born French bacteriologist and one of the discoverers of the bubonic plague bacillus, Pasteurella pestis, now called Yersinia pestis. Yersin studied medicine at the universities of Marburg and Paris and bacteriology with Émile Roux in Paris and Robert Koch in Berlin.
亚历山大·耶尔森 - 百度百科
亚历山大·耶尔森(Alexandre Yersin,1863年9月22日-1943年3月1日),又译叶赫森、耶尔辛,法国医生和细菌学家。 他是鼠疫杆菌的发现者之一,因此鼠疫杆菌的正式学名以Yersiniapestis(耶尔辛氏菌)命名。
Alexandre Yersin, the man who discovered the bacterium …
2017年10月24日 · Swiss-born Alexandre Yersin joined the Institut Pasteur in 1885 aged just 22 and worked under Émile Roux. He discovered the plague bacillus in Hong Kong. A brilliant scientist, he was also an explorer and pioneer in many fields.
耶尔森 - 百度百科
法国的耶尔森(Alexandre Yersin)首先发现了 鼠疫杆菌 。百余年后,抛开其中的人事纷争,公平的说北里的确先看到鼠疫杆菌,但他的培养基受到了污染,而北里为了彻底否定耶尔森的发现,以便独享破解鼠疫之谜的荣誉,反将不慎污染的细菌当作主要引发鼠疫的 ...
鼠疫耶爾森菌 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鼠疫耶爾森菌 [1] (学名:[Yersinia pestis] 错误:{{Lang}}:文本有斜体标记(帮助) )又稱鼠疫耶氏桿菌 [2] ,俗稱鼠疫桿菌(plague bacillus),是一種桿菌,屬於腸桿菌科 耶爾森菌屬,同時也是腺鼠疫、肺鼠疫和敗血性鼠疫的病原體。 所有的類型都在人類歷史上造成嚴重的傷亡(例如查 …
Plague history: Yersin’s discovery of the causative bacterium in …
2014年3月1日 · Plague history: Yersin’s discovery of the causative bacterium in 1894 enabled, in the subsequent century, scientific progress in understanding the disease and the development of treatments and vaccines
Alexandre Yersin: Discoverer of the Plague Bacillus
In 1894, Yersin was dispatched to Hong Kong by French colonial health authorities to study an ongoing pneumonic plague epidemic. As a French national, he was not permitted entry to English hospitals, so he worked in a small hut, where despite limited equipment he was able to grow the bacterium that would later be named after him.
Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943): discoverer of the plague bacillus ...
Alexandre Yersin was born in French Switzerland and later took French nationality. While a medical student he worked in Paris with Emile Roux to discover the exotoxin produced by the diphtheria bacillus. Two years after graduation, he left Paris for French Indochina where he was the first European t …