Yes Power 35 Postpaid Plan - Yes | First to 5G
The Yes Power 35 Postpaid Plan allows You to enjoy 150GB 100GB Internet Data and all other service offerings for a Monthly Commitment Fee of RM35 (RM37.10 including SST), subject to the Campaign T&Cs. *Effective 19th January 2024, the data has been increased from 100GB to …
Yes Postpaid Plans - Yes | First to 5G
Uncapped 5G + 4G data and speed; Unlimited calls; Supplementary line available; Free unlimited 5G roaming in Singapore NEW; Find Out More . 12-month contract
Pakej SuperJimat - Yes | First to 5G
Get a LOW one-time device payment on the latest 5G phones with a 12/24 month contract. You can now enjoy 20x faster speed with near-zero latency with Yes 5G connectivity. With no Fair Usage Policy (FUP), your data, speed and calls will be uncapped. Exclusively for B40 group, available in Yes Stores.
Yes Power 35: 150GB 5G data and unlimited calls for RM35
2024年1月19日 · Yes Power 35 now with 150GB of data. Launched in May 2023, Yes Power 5G is the most generous 5G postpaid plan which offers 100GB of 4G/5G data with no speedcap and unlimited calls within Malaysia for only RM35/month. Best of all, you can fully utilise your quota (up to 150GB) for hotspot usage, which is more than what you get even on the ...
Yes Power 35后付配套大升级! 每月提供150GB数据 - SoyaCincau
2024年1月20日 · 回顾一下,Yes Power 35是于2023年5月推出的后付配套,每月只需35令吉就可获得100GB的4G和5G数据,不仅无速度上限,且在我国境内可无线通话。 最重要的是,用户可充分利用数据配额充当热点(高达150GB),比最高的Yes Infinite Ultra配套数据还要多。
Yes Power 35: 100GB 5G data and hotspot with uncapped
2023年5月5日 · Power 35 is Yes' most affordable 5G postpaid plan with 100GB of 4G+5G data and hotspot for RM35/month. Yes Power 35 offers uncapped speeds and unlimited voice calls.
每月RM35有100GB!Yes Power 35后付配套物超所值 - SoyaCincau
2023年5月6日 · Yes 5G推出的Yes Power 35是迄今为止最实惠的5G后付配套;与Yes Infinite配套不同,Power 35配套带有固定的高速配额,用户可充分利用这些配额来使用热点。 Yes Power 35的月费为35令吉,具有100GB的4G和5G数据,不限网速;它还能对所有网络无限通话。
性价比更高! Yes FT5G可切换Power 35配套 - SoyaCincau
2023年5月23日 · Yes最近推出了Power 35后付费配套,每月仅需35令吉即可获得大量的高速5G数据。 如果你目前使用每月49令吉的 Yes FT5G 后付配套 ,那新配套将会是更好的选择,因为FT5G后付费配套现在仅限于每月100GB的数据。
Yes 5G Pakej Rahmah: RM35/month for 100GB 5G data
2023年8月29日 · YTL Communications has unveiled its Pakej 5G Rahmah plans and they are offering an even more affordable postpaid option which only costs RM35/month. Despite the lower monthly commitment, Yes 5G is also offering 5G devices for only RM240 on a two-year contract.
Yes 5G Bumps Power 35 Postpaid Plan's Data Quota To 150GB
2024年1月19日 · Yes 5G has announced an update to its Power 35 postpaid plan, seemingly following suit to a recent change made by a certain orange telco. As revealed via a social media post shared earlier this evening, users of said plan are now able to permanently enjoy an additional 50GB to their monthly quota at no extra charge.