synonyms - When is it appropriate to use "Yeah" and "Yep" as …
Looking at the definitions given for yeah, yeh, yep, or yup, all those words are defined as exclamation & noun nonstandard spelling of yes, representing informal pronunciation. Looking …
Spelling "Yeah" and "Yea" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年1月22日 · Yeah [ jæ ] (synonym of yes, opposite of nah) is for ordinary assent; and; Yea [ jɛi ] (opposite of nay) is for formal assent during a vote. It's just that many people type yea (or …
What does "yeah" mean in American? [closed] - English Language …
2014年11月8日 · when doubled ("yeah yeah") and said in a bored tone, it means "I am bored with what you are saying and want you to stop talking". It may also indicate disbelief. …
Difference between "yup" and "yes" - English Language & Usage …
Voting to close on the grounds any cursory search will reveal that "yup" (like "yep", "yeah", etc.) is slang/informal. Is it meaningful to ask the difference between using a slang word and the …
"Yeah Right" expression - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Yeah, right. could also be interpreted as another variation of . I know, right? It entirely depends on inflection when speaking. When written, if the ending punctuation is an exclamation . Yeah, …
pronunciation - Who pronounces "yeah" as /jæ/? - English …
2024年1月12日 · I would pronounce yeah with two syllables /jæə/, but yeh or yah (variants, like yeah, of yes) with one. Cowboys are famous for saying yup. While we're at it, aye (an …
american english - Is it "Probably yes" or "Probably, yes"? - English ...
2020年10月1日 · Probably, yes. / (and certainly Probably ... yes.) usually shows an on-the-hoof corrective/firming-up change/modification of answer. Probably yes. usually shows that the …
Meaning of "So yeah" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年2月12日 · When ending a sentence, it often is used in places where the spoken emphasis and pacing of the sentence are inconsistent with the content, so the speaker uses "so yeah" …
formality - Why is "yeah" considered unprofessional? - English …
2014年2月9日 · yeah adv. Informal Yes. yeah American English, colloquial, by 1863, from drawling pronunciation of yes.
etymology - What is the history and regional dispersion of the ...
2016年12月10日 · Yes is the same word as yea which is the same in germanic. It's a very old word. Being one of the most used words in the English language, yea probably was said as …