talmud gemara - Hard Yeshivish phrases to translate - Mi Yodeya
The preface, on the reality of Yeshivish is deep and the other small discussions at the beginning (including a translation of Hamlet's soliloquy) are amazing. I really approve of* this book. *This one is an interesting case, as it is basically transforming the Yiddish to English but still keeping the Yiddish idiom; "hold of" is either approve ...
ashkenazi - Learning Kabbalah & Yeshiva World - Mi Yodeya
2014年6月9日 · The Yeshivish world definitely learns kabbalah — it just depends on how you define kabbalah. Zohar? Perhaps not. But the idea that "Zohar=kabbalah" is quite misconceived. Indeed, I know that quite a lot of the Yeshivish world learns the Nefesh HaChaim, which is quite a kabbalistic sefer.
talmud gemara - Which are the "Yeshivish Masechtos"? - Mi
2020年1月2日 · Yeshivish mesechtos are typically the masechtos learned in high school because they are the ones that are more involving (lots of lomdus) and can train a person how to properly learn gemara. Very often yeshivos have a machzor, cycle of 8 masechtos: (1,2) יבמות (1,3) כתובות (1,2,10) נדרים (1,4,6,8) גיטין (1,2,3) קידושין
halacha - Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch - Mi Yodeya
2014年4月30日 · First of all, there's no rule that all of the litvishe Ashkenazim have to follow the Mishna Berura. It was very well accepted, but deciding on each halacha is a very complicated matter, and on every page of the Dirshu or Oz VeHadar versions of the Mishna Berurah you can find places where later poskim have disagreed and where certain rulings of the Mishna Berurah have not been widely accepted.
halacha - Can you please define this yeshivish term? - Mi Yodeya
2024年12月8日 · She’at ha-dechak, or in yeshivish pronunciation shas hadchak. The Hebrew is שעת הדחק, literally a pressing time, or, more colloquially, under pressing circumstances, or in extremis . This is a very common phrase in halachic discourse, usually in the context of employing a leniency that one would not use in normal circumstances.
Where can I buy a Yeshivish fedora online? - Mi Yodeya
In most [Yeshivish][1] circles (and Chabad Hasidim), a black snap-brim fedora is worn. Usually it is a Borsalino, but not always. Could someone recommend a place online where I could get one or one like it for a relatively cheap price? Preferably under $200 or so.
shidduchim dating - Standard engagement timeframe in modern …
2017年5月21日 · From my experience the average engagement period in the Yeshivish circles is 2 - 4 months. Although I know of cases where the wedding was in as short as 4 -5 weeks and others where it was as much as 6 months.
What’s the difference between Litvish and regular Ashkenazi?
2024年5月22日 · I think the confusion on the part of some, stems from the fact that socio-culturally the term "Litvish" is often used today interchangeably with Ashkenazi-Yeshivish, even to refer to Ashkenazim of non-Litvish ancestry. This is probably due to the fact that starting in the 19th century, the Lithuanian yeshivah model has come to dominate Orthodoxy.
Why are these tractates, "Yeshivish Mesechtos"?
@Yitzchak, Interesting point. I can't think of why the "yeshivish" masechtos would be more popular in the times of the rishonim such that e.g. Rabbeinu Yonah would write his commentary on only such masechtos. In my mind, it's caused more by the second bullet point.
Yiddish in chassidish versus in yeshivish culture [closed]
2023年11月21日 · Why didn't Yeshivish people decide to continue ensuring the survival of the Yiddish language, like their Chassidic counterparts? (I understand that the shiur/class in many Yeshivish yeshivas is still taught in Yiddish; however, most of these students didn't grow up in a household that spoke Yiddish). If there are any sources, that would be great.