不一样的“鬼怪”战斗机,可变后掠翼和鸭翼结构的实验机 - 知乎
YF-4E是一种70年代的实验机,对一些F-4系列的后续机型以及其他战斗机产生了影响,它主要进行高操纵性能测试,在机翼前缘翼根上方安装了一对鸭翼,鸭翼拥有20°的可动范围,其他实验还有 前缘缝翼 、电传动系统、随控布局等。 YF-4E总共有3架,其中两架用 F-4C 修改而来,一架用YRF-4C修改而来,原型机之一在1979年存放于博物馆,以它为基础直接发展出了F-4E战斗机,这是一种安装了M61 20毫米机炮的制空型战斗机,有很强的空战能力和对地攻击能力,载弹能 …
List of McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II variants - Wikipedia
Two-seat all-weather tactical fighter, ground-attack version for the United States Air Force; supported a wide spectrum of weapons including AIM-4 Falcon, AGM-12 Bullpup, and nuclear weapons; wider main wheel tires resulted in distinctive wing bulges; J79-GE-15 engines with provision for cartridge start; boom refueling instead of Navy's probe an...
McDonnell Douglas YF-4E Phantom II - National Museum of the …
The museum's airframe served as a prototype for the RF-4C reconnaissance version and later the F-4E fighter-bomber variant. It also was the test bed for such advanced ideas as F-4 leading edge slats and the "Fly-By-Wire" concept (electrical rather than mechanical interconnections between pilot and control surfaces).
Flashback: Nine lives of a Phantom II
2024年8月13日 · The YF-4E conducted the first Phase IIA flight from the McDonnell Douglas facility in St. Louis, Missouri on April 29, 1972 to become the first fighter aircraft to fly with an analog fly-by-wire control system (not to be confused with NASA’s modified F-8C which made the first Digital fly-by-wire flight on May 25, 1972).
YF-4E Phantom II: A pioneering force in Fly-By-Wire technology
2024年8月17日 · Tony Landis of the U.S. Air Force Materiel Command History Office recently detailed the remarkable history of aircraft 62-12200, the McDonnell YF-4E Phantom II. Now housed at the National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF), this aircraft, though often overlooked, played a pivotal role in advancing fly-by-wire (FBW) technology ...
McDonnell YF-4E Phantom II - This Day in Aviation
2025年2月25日 · McDonnell YF-4E Phantom II 65-0713 was named Glamorous Glennis for General Yeager’s Final Flight. ¹ 65-0713 was a McDonnell F-45D-28-MC Phantom II which had been modified as the prototype YF-4E, armed with an M61 rotary cannon.
AirHistory.net - McDonnell YF-4E Phantom II aircraft photos
This aircraft was originally built for the USN as F4H-1 but, before delivery, modified to become the USAF YRF-110A Spectre prototype, which was redesignated RF-4C in 1962. In 1965, it became the YF-4E testbed, to test F-4E slats and fly by wire (as seen in this picture). In 1974, canards were added on this aircraft.
Aircraft: McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom II - Aero Web
Temporarily redesignated YF-4E, the modified aircraft first flew on August 7, 1965. After 50 flights, the first YF-4E was re-engined with J79-GE-J1B engines (prototypes of the -10 and -17 series). The results with the YF-4E were sufficiently encouraging that two other YF-4Es were produced by modifying an F-4C (63-7445) and an F-4D (65-0713).
Aviation Archives: YF-4E 62-12200 Fly by Wire - Blogger
2015年2月1日 · The YF-4E was used in the development of the F-4E fighter as well as in fly-by-wire Precision Aircraft Control Technology (PACT) and Control Configured Vehicle (CCV) test programs. Three conversions. A "Fly-by-Wire" control system was installed in Number 266, and a distinctive color scheme was applied to the airplane for this flight test ...
List of McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II variants
yf-4e One of the original YRF-4C prototypes was converted into the YF-4E. The YF-4E was used in the development of the F-4E fighter as well as in fly-by-wire Precision Aircraft Control Technology (PACT) and Control Configured Vehicle (CCV) test programs.