pcDNA3-YFP - Addgene
Plasmid pcDNA3-YFP from Dr. Doug Golenbock's lab contains the insert Yellow fluorescent protein. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Fluorescent protein-specific primers used for the PCR assays. YFP ...
YFP: yellow fluorescent proteins; RFP: red fluorescent proteins. The growing awareness that microbial symbionts residing in mosquito midguts can interrupt...
Visualization of Differential Gene Expression by Improved Cyan ...
The distinguishable cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP and YFP) enable the simultaneous in vivo visualization of different promoter activities. Here, we report new cloning vectors for the construction of cfp and yfp fusions in Bacillus subtilis. By extending the N-terminal portions of previously described CFP and YFP variants, 20- to 70 ...
Chemically stable fluorescent proteins for advanced microscopy
2022年11月7日 · We report the rational engineering of a remarkably stable yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), ‘hyperfolder YFP’ (hfYFP), that withstands chaotropic conditions that denature most biological...
YFP Sequence and Map - SnapGene
SnapGene is the easiest way to plan, visualize and document your everyday molecular biology procedures. SnapGene Viewer is free software that allows molecular biologists to create, browse, and share richly annotated sequence files. The maps, notes, and annotations in the zip file on this page are copyrighted material.
Quantitative analysis of recombination between YFP and CFP …
2015年8月20日 · To address this, we examined the effects of codon-diversification of YFP on the recombination of FRET biosensors introduced by lentivirus or retrovirus. The YFP gene that was fully codon-optimized to E.coli evaded the recombination in lentiviral or retroviral gene transfer, but the partially codon-diversified YFP did not.
Fluorescent Protein Vectors | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
These vectors are for cloning your PCR-amplified gene of interest to generate a fusion protein with Cycle 3 GFP fused on either the N- or C-termini. With TOPO cloning, only a 5-minute reaction is required to generate a clone.
A variant of yellow fluorescent protein with fast and efficient ...
2002年1月1日 · Among Aequorea GFP variants, yellow fluorescent proteins (YFPs) are relatively acid-sensitive, and uniquely quenched by chloride ion (Cl −) 3. For YFP to be fully and stably fluorescent,...
The Yfiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit (Yfiler Plus or YFP) is a male specific PCR amplification kit that amplifies 27 loci in a single PCR reaction using 6-dye chemistry. YFP provides specific and sensitive detection of male haplotype DNA from the Y-chromosome even in the presence of an overwhelming amount of female DNA.
Each Applied Biosystems™ Yfiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit contains reagents that are optimized to amplify and type: • 1 ng of DNA Control 007 • Purified and quantified samples with approximately 0.5 to 1.5 ng of human DNA • Unpurified, unquantified, single-source blood or buccal samples on treated paper, untreated paper, and swab ...