受け継がれた血統、木魂するスピリット ONE AND ONLY BEST, UPGRADE ! 高密度ピッチ製法× WX8工法 × GP加工 × HST加工が可能とした圧巻のパフォーマンス。 一般的にPEラインは、高密度にピッチを細かく組み上げると耐磨耗性が上がり直線強力が落ちる。 逆に低密度でピッチを粗く組み上げると、糸が直線的になり直線強力が上がり耐磨耗が下がる。 X-BRAID UPGRADEは、その相反する性能の両方を世界最高レベルで実現し、 (社)日本釣用品工業会 …
YGK XBRAID UPGRADE X8 Braided Line | Tackle Warehouse
Great for spinning reels, the YGK XBRAID UPGRADE X-8 Braided Line possesses an incredibly small diameter and a smooth surface that flies through guides with minimal resistance. Engineered with white markings every three feet, the YGK XBRAID UPGRADE X-8 Braided Line is easy to spot and lets anglers know exactly how much line they are moving with ...
路亚新人避坑指南:有关YGK的三个小秘密 圈里人不愿意说
YGK的 G-Soul X8 这款PE线大概是在中国市场里销量最高的进口PE线产品了,绝对的TOP量级造就了家喻户晓的品牌知名度和产品认知度。 因为它在保证拉力的前提下,线径更细一点,没有什么硬性缺点,150米的价格在160元左右,均价和1米1块钱,进口线中的性价比产品。 但是,在中国路亚市场上,真是人怕出名猪怕壮,太有名真不算个好事儿啊。 尤其是我国的路亚市场缺乏规范,靠良心和诚信有的时候管不住奸商的那些歪心思。 在中国,路亚还是个小众爱好,市场还 …
YGK X-Braid Upgrade X8 200m - Lines - JapanTackle
YGK X-Braid Upgrade X8 is the new package version of YGK G-Soul Upgrade X8. Upgrade X8 has the most advanced material braided by the most advanced technology to offer great line. And, YGK explains it has the most tightly braided line among its braided l
YGK P.E. Line G-Soul X8 Upgrade & YGK P.E. X-BRAID Upgrade X8
Inherited bloodline, spirit of the wood. ONE AND ONLY BEST, UPGRADE. High-density pitch, WX8 construction, and GP and HST processing for outstanding performance. In general, polyethylene line is made with a fine, high density pitch …
YGK X-Braid Omnium X8 Upgrade 200m, 300m, 500m, 600m 2020- YGK …
YGK WX braiding technology makes the line with the least stretch and tightest line body. The 8-strand body offers the smoothest line surface. Quality is proven. 5 colors by every 10m and marking at every 1m.
Amazon.com: Ygk G-soul X8
X8 Braided Fishing Line, Durable and Valuable PE Braid Line for Professional, More Thinner More Smoother Performance for Casting Well, Must-Have Freshwater Fishing Gear, Fishing Gift for Men
YGK X-Braid Super Jigman X8 Super Quality 8 Braided PE …
2020年3月12日 · Japan Quality Fishing Line. Quality power required for diversification. Abrasion resistance, straightness, sensitivity, and strength have been improved by using the WX assembly method, which is a unique technology that promises overwhelming stability and strength, and by applying HST processing to stringing at a high tension and high density pitch.
YGK X Braid Full Drag X8 Braid - Ebb Tide Tackle
YGK X-Braid Full Drag X8 is the latest upgrade braid to replace YGK Ultra Castman WX8 Full Drag lines. It employs the latest up-graded filaments to have about 60% improved strength from the first generation Dyneema/Spectra lines.
YGK XBraid Upgrade X8 Pentagram 200m
Upgrade your fishing game with YGK XBraid UpGrade X8 Pentagram 200m. Experience high-density pitch manufacturing for superior strength and performance. The long-awaited 5colour and light game compatible 0.4 and 0.5 YGK XBraid Upgrade X8 Pentagram is finally here!
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