Young Hearts for Life - Heart Screening Program
Largest ECG screening program in the United States and recognized internationally as a leader in screening for conditions that can cause Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). Performed over 335,000 FREE ECGs to high school and college students since 2006 and have identified more than 3,575 young adults with previously undiagnosed cardiac conditions.
YH4L Gang - YouTube
Gang members BEHIND THE SCENE of filming a podcast!
Young Hearts for Life - Heart screening : Young Hearts For Life ...
Young Hearts for life offers students free heart screening for conditions which could lead to sudden cardiac death. Community education is a mission of YH4L
About Us - Young Hearts For Life® Cardiac Screening Program
YH4L is the largest youth heart screening program in the United States. Part of the goal of YH4L is to educate the community about sudden death in young adults and to help schools be prepared to deal with cardiac arrest if one was to occur.
YH4L: WHY and WHAT about cardiac screening and your teen.
2017年11月27日 · Why should your teen be screened for conditions which can lead to sudden cardiac death? What can students expect on screening day with Young Hearts for Life.
Young Hearts for Life - Township High School District 211
YH4L is a FREE heart screening called an electrocardiogram (ECG) to identify high school students at risk for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). More than 60 young adults die each week in the United States from SCD. Since 2006, YH4L has screened over 280,000 students and has identified more than 3,000 with previously undiagnosed heart conditions.
Young Hearts for Life
If you are registering as a college student for the Young Hearts for Life® Cardiac Screening Program, please click here. The results from the screening will be sent to you via an email notification approximately 3 to 4 weeks after the screening. All screening results are confidential and communicated through a secure system.
Young Hearts for Life Program - Advocate Children's Hospital
In an effort to help prevent sudden cardiac deaths, Advocate Health Care partners with Young Hearts for Life®, (YH4L) a free cardiac screening program for students ages 12 through 24. Founded in 2006 by cardiologist Dr. Joseph Marek, YH4L is the largest youth heart screening program in the U.S.
Feasibility and findings of large-scale electrocardiographic screening ...
A retrospective cohort study of 32,561 high school students from 38 ECG screenings was performed between September 2006 and May 2009. Screenings were performed by the YH4L program, which consisted of a core group of administrators, cardiologists, and community volunteers who underwent specialized training and quality review.
Young Hearts 4 Life – saving young lives since 2006
2017年5月23日 · In 2006, he launched Young Hearts 4 Life (YH4L), an electrocardiogram (EKG)-based screening program similar to programs that were proven effective in Europe. Dr. Marek says most of the problems that cause the sudden cardiac arrest in young adults are related to heart rhythm and are detectable by EKG, a non-invasive test of the heart’s ...