Ying CAO's Homepage
My primary research interest is Data-driven Design Intelligence, which aims to answer a challenging question: how can computers learn to design from data and augment humans in the design process?
Ying CAO | PhD | Nanjing University, Nanjing | NJU | School of …
Based on the results from my group and other studies, I propose that neural stemness is the source of cell tumorigenicity and differentiation potential, and tumorigenesis represents a process of...
Ying Cao, MD, MEng - McLean Hospital
Ying Cao, MD, MEng, practices personalized and integrative psychiatry guided by concepts from systems engineering, developmental and cross-cultural psychology, as well as evolving paradigms of psychiatry and general medicine.
Cao Ying - Google Scholar
Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection with Saliency Bounding Boxes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing: a Publication of the IEEE Signal … Proceedings of the IEEE …
Ying Cao, MCC - LIYT | LinkedIn
With 20+ years of experience as a Wall Street Executive, Innovation Leader, Investor, and… How can you pitch to stakeholders unfamiliar with your product? When you thoroughly identify the problem &...
Ying Cao - NJU
Ying Cao earned his Bachelor’s degree from the Ocean University of Qingdao in 1989, and his Master’s degree from Huazhong Agricultural University in 1994. He pursued his doctoral studies at the...
Ying Cao - Google Scholar
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie … Calum G. and Ma, Jiujie and Kong, Rong and He, Guangwen and Yan, Jubo …
Ying Cao - Google Scholar
2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …
Ying CAO | Doctor of Philosophy | Peking University, Beijing
Ying Cao currently works at the Center for life sciences, Peking University. Ying does research in Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology and Genetics. Their most recent publication is 'Multimedia...
Ying Cao, Ph.D. - Penn State Behrend
Ying Cao is an Assistant Professor of Project and Supply Chain Management in the Black School of Business at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. She received her Ph.D. in management science from the University of Texas at Dallas and her research areas include sustainable supply chain management, retail operations, and inventory management.