Ying Xu
Ying Xu is an Assistant Professor of AI in Learning and Education at Harvard University. Her research focuses on designing AI technologies that promote language and literacy development, STEM learning, and wellbeing for children and families.
Ying Xu - Harvard Graduate School of Education
Ying Xu is an assistant professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research focuses on designing AI technologies that promote language and literacy development, STEM learning, and wellbeing for children and families.
Ying Xu - Google Scholar
Ying Xu. Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology (2023/01/15 - ) Verified email at uga.edu ... H Zhang, J Yang, F Mao, W Lai, Y Xu. Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D654-D659, 2014. 203: 2014: Evaluation of 50-mer oligonucleotide arrays for detecting microbial populations in environmental samples. SM Tiquia, L Wu, SC Chong, S ...
徐鹰 - 师资概况 - 南方科技大学
南方科技大学医学院讲席教授、获得国家级人才头衔,计算系统生物学及生物信息学者。 2023年1月加入南方科技大学医学院。 之前为美国佐治亚大学生物化学系“校董事会教授”及“佐治亚科学协会著名学者讲席教授” (2003-2022),佐治亚大学生物信息研究所首任所长 (2003-2011)。 他是AAAS Fellow及IEEE Fellow。...
ying xu - Google Scholar
ying xu. Harvard medical school/Boston Children's Hospital. Verified email at childrens.harvard.edu. bacterial toxin fly genetics CRISPR/Cas9 cancer immunology Insect neuroscience. ... Y Xu, R Viswanatha, O Sitsel, D Roderer, H Zhao, C Ashwood, C Voelcker, ... Nature 610 (7931), 349-355, 2022. 26:
Ying Xu | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - University of Georgia
Ying Xu is a computational biologist and bioinformatician, and a chair professor, Regents-Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar, in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Institute of Bioinformatics at the University of Georgia, USA.
Conversational Technologies for Supporting STEM Discourse - Ying Xu
2025年3月1日 · Children develop their skills and interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through informal learning experiences, which, ideally, should be rich with conversation and social interaction (e.g., asking and answering questions).
Research - Ying Xu
Our goal is to investigate the influence of large language models and generative AI on children’s education. As a first step, we’ve begun a research study that employs generative AI to jointly create STEM-oriented narratives with children.
Ying Xu - Google Scholar
The Promises and Limits of Online Higher Education: Understanding How Distance Education Affects Access, Cost, and Quality. Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing...
YING XU - Faculty - SUSTech - 南方科技大学
Ying Xu is Professor of School of Medicine, Cheungkong Scholars Chair Professor, 1000 Scholars Chair Professor, Computational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Scholar, Southern...
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