Ip Chun - Wikipedia
Ip Chun[a] (born Ip Hok-chun; [b] 10 July 1924), [1] also known as Yip Chun or Yip Jun, is a Chinese martial artist and actor in the style of Wing Chun. He is the elder of two sons. Chun's father, Ip Man, was the Wing Chun teacher of Bruce Lee. [1]
葉振棠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
葉振棠 (英語: Johnny Yip Chun Tong;1944年2月7日 —),人稱 棠哥, 香港 男歌手,以於1980年代演唱多首香港電視劇歌曲而广为人知。 葉振棠生於 澳門 [註 14],祖父輩為 越南華僑 [1]。 十歲时因 猩紅熱 发高燒, 眼睛 神经細胞 受損,視力衰退 [2]。 他就讀中文學校澳門聖約翰書院小學部及中學部(小一至中一;現已停辦) [註 14],中二年級起至中六年級轉讀英文學校 澳門培道中學 [3][4][註 14]。
Ip Chun 葉準 | eWingChun
Today at over eighty six years of age, Master Ip Chun is one of the most successful Wing Chun teachers in Hong Kong teaching five days a week to individuals at his home or to small groups at the Ving Tsun Athletic Association, as well as teaching a class in Shatin once a week.
Grandmaster Ip Chun - eWingChun
2011年9月17日 · Born 27th July 1925, in Fat San, China, the eldest son of Grandmaster Yip Man. Yip Chun purely through tradition and hereditary is the next generation Grandmaster of the Wing Chun System but this is not a title which he proclaims for himself nor wants to as with his father before him, the prestige of being "Number One" or "The Best" (whatever ...
Wing Tsun 116 Wooden Dummy Techniques: chun, Yip: …
2018年7月10日 · WITHOUT A DOUBT one of the best books ever published on Chinese Wooden Dummy techniques, this great volume is written by the true master of masters --- YIP CHUN. Demonstrated by Yip Man, the long-time teacher of Bruce Lee, this book includes not just technical know-how, but also the true story of Yip Man’s background and riveting history.
- 4.6/5(79)
Wing Chun Ip Chun Academy - 詠春葉準學會
詠春葉準學會2025年,各位師兄姊弟妹聚首一堂,食團年飯。 太子會館農曆新年假期休館。 休館日期為2025年1月27日至2025年2月10日。 恭祝各位師傅師兄姊弟妹,新年如意吉祥、身體健康! 佛山市南海區獅山鎮委員,在12月20日,專程來香港探望師父,及告知跟據國家新政策,葉問記念館,於2024年12月31日,更改為葉問宗師館。 祈望葉問宗師館,成為葉問系詠春的國際交流中心! 2024年12月24至2025年1月1日, 太子休館。 祝各位聖誕及新年快樂! 移民英國徒弟回港探 …
Chun Yip Plastics Limited
Chun Yip Plastics Limited is a leading manufacturer and supplier of disposable articles for household, medical and food industries, retail and institutions. We offer a diverse range of products and we are dedicated to providing excellent service to …
Music Director - Yip Chun Kit
Yip Chun Kit has been a freelance/ substitute player of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, City Chamber Orchestra. Mr. Yip is very active in contributing to the society as a band director and brass tutor.
Chun Chieh Yip - Google Scholar
Assistant Prof. in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Sg. Long Campus - Cited by 310 - Seismic Resistance Structure Design.
YipChun - blasthongkong
Yip Chun Products Factory was established in Hong Kong, which is a professional manufacturer of AC Cable and DC cable. Due to stretching copper wire by themself, price can be lower and lead time can be shorter comparatively.