Young Mania Rating Scale: How to interpret the numbers ... - APA …
The aim of this analysis was to identify Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) meaningful benchmarks for clinicians (severity threshold, minimal clinically significant difference [MCSD]) using the Clinical Global Impressions Bipolar (CGI-BP) mania scale, to provide a clinical perspective to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) results.
The YMRS is a rating scale used to evaluate manic symptoms at baseline and over time in individuals with mania. The scale is generally done by a clinician or other trained rater with expertise with manic patients and takes 15–30 minutes to complete.
Young Mania Rating Scale - APA PsycNet
The Young Mania Rating Scale (Young et al, 1978) is an 11-item clinician-administered rating scale with five explicitly defined grades of severity.
杨氏躁狂评定量表 (Young Manic Rating Scale, YMRS)
2025年2月23日 · 心境障碍 (Mood Disorders),又称情感障碍 (Afective Disorders),是一组由多种原因引起的精神障碍,主要特点是以明显并且持续的心境或情感改变。 临床上其特点包括:基本症状以情感高涨低落反复为主要表现,患者在智力和思想方面没有明显障碍,常伴有相应的行为和认知方面的改变;症状的轻重程度不一,轻度心境障碍患者,可以无明显精神病性症状表现,对其社会生活影响较小,重度心境障碍患者,在情绪上表现出明显异常,甚至表现出明显的精神病性症状,对其社会 …
Psychometric properties of the Young Mania Rating Scale as a …
Data were collected using the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV axis I disorders and the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and analyzed using SPSS-23 and AMOS-24. Results: Confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis revealed a three-factor structure for the YMRS.
The YMRS is an 11-item clinician-rated scale designed to assess severity of manic symptoms. The gold standard of mania rating scales, the instrument is widely used in both clinical and research settings.
杨氏躁狂评定量表 (YMRS) - 在线工具
杨氏躁狂评定量表 (YMRS)免费在线测试。 YMRS由R.C.Young于1978年编制,主要用来评定躁狂症状以及严重程度。 需要说明的是,该量表为他评量表,需要由专业人员进行评定。
The aim of this analysis was to identify Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) meaning-ful benchmarks for clinicians (severity threshold, minimal clinically significant difference [MCSD]) using the Clinical Global Impressions Bipolar (CGI-BP) mania scale, to provide a clinical perspective to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) results.
Unfiltered administration of the YMRS and CDRS-R in a ... - APA …
Using unfiltered administration, the YMRS achieved good discriminative validity when classifying bipolar disorder compared to other disorders (Area Under the Curve [AUC] = .86) and increased odds of a bipolar diagnosis given a score in the highest quintile (DLR = 6.12).
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) - Autism Spectrum Test
The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) is an 11-item tool commonly used to assess the severity of mania symptoms. This scale is designed to capture various aspects of manic episodes, including mood, behavior, speech, and thought processes.
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