The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) is one of the most frequently utilized rating scales to assess manic symptoms. The scale has 11 items and is based on the patient’s subjective report of his or her clinical condition over the previous 48 hours.
杨氏躁狂评定量表(Young Manic Rating Scale, YMRS)
2025年2月23日 · YMRS由 R. C. Young 于1978年提出, 用来评定近 1 周的躁狂症状以及严重程度,用于症状分级, 并非诊断工具 。 具体躁狂发作的诊断标准,DSM-5要求在心境紊乱、精力旺盛或活动增加的时期内,存在3项 (或更多)以下症状 (若心境仅为易激惹,则要求至少4项满足):①自尊心膨胀或夸大,②睡眠需要减少,③比平时更健谈或有持续讲话的压力感,④意念飘忽或思维奔逸,⑤注意力随境转移,⑥目标导向活动增多,⑦过度参与可能产生痛苦后果的高风险活动。 …
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) - Psychology Tools
The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) is a clinical assessment tool specifically designed to evaluate manic symptoms and their severity. Developed in the 1970s by Young et al., the YMRS is now widely utilized in both research and clinical settings to measure manic episodes, particularly in individuals with bipolar disorder.
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) Guide for Scoring Items – The purpose of each item is to rate the severity of that abnormality in the patient. When several keys are given for a particular grade of severity, the presence of only one is required to …
The YMRS is an 11-item clinician-rated scale designed to assess severity of manic symptoms. The gold standard of mania rating scales, the instrument is widely used in both clinical and research settings. Information for assigning scores is gained from the patient’s subjective reported symptoms over the previous 48 hours and from clinical
杨氏躁狂评定量表(YMRS)评分标准 - 百度文库
指导语:杨氏躁狂评定量表( Young manic rating scale),1978年R.C.Young提出。 主要用来评定躁狂症状以及严重程度,不是诊断量表,是症状分级量表。 共有11个条目,1、2、3、4、7、10、11条目是0-4级评分,5、6、8、9条目是0-8级评分,目的在于区分兴奋不合作的患者;严格按照评分标准和指导语进行,评定的时间跨度是最近一周;评分依靠现场交谈检查,同时参考知情人信息;可以评定极限分;症状判定根据患者的平时情况作为参考;两个评分之间难于确定时的原 …
杨氏躁狂评定量表(YMRS) - 在线工具 - ToolOnline.net
杨氏躁狂评定量表(ymrs)免费在线测试。 YMRS由R.C.Young于1978年编制,主要用来评定躁狂症状以及严重程度。 需要说明的是,该量表为他评量表,需要由专业人员进行评定。
狂躁量表 15 分算高吗? - 知乎
• 评分范围:狂躁量表(如Young躁狂评定量表YMRS)的总分范围从0到60分,条目评分范围从0(无症状)到4(严重症状),少数条目最高可达8分。 • 评分解释:
The purpose of each item is to rate the severity of that abnormality in the patient.When several keys are given for a particular grade of severity, the presence of only one is required to qualify for that rating. The keys provided are guides.