英语“What's up”是什么意思?如何正确回答? - 知乎专栏
What's up? 是很流行的问候方式,但一定记住,熟人之间才可以使用,这句问候是侧重问:(最近)你在忙什么? 如果你和刚刚认识的人这样说,对方会觉得你很奇怪 老外问你What'…
老外最爱说的"what’s up"什么意思?总结得太到位啦 - 知乎
What’s up是比较熟络的问候方式,不过要注意的是,一般是用在比较熟悉的人之间. ①当别人用What’s up问候你的时候,一般是在问你“在忙什么”。 A:Hey! What's up man? 嘿,干嘛呢兄弟? B:Nothing much! I'm just browsing the website. 没什么,我正在浏览网页呢。 ②如果是像上面《老友记》里面的那样,是在询问你“怎么呢;出什么事呢”。 A:"What's up?", I said to him. “出什么事啦? ”我对他说。 “没什么事,”他答道。 ③还有一种情况是,当对方也回答了What's up, …
老外說的 What’s up 或’sup 是什麼意思,要怎麼回? – 英文庫
在英文裡,如果說 “Something is up.” 其實就是指 “Something is happening.”(有事情發生),所以這時候的意思就像是 “What’s the matter? ” 或者是 “What’s happening?”,用來問對方發生了什麼事,藉此詢問別人是否有需要幫忙的地方。 A: Hey, what’s up? You’re looking pale!
Yo, What’s Up - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
"Yo, What's Up" is a slang term that has been used for decades to greet someone casually. The phrase "Yo" has been around since the 1960s and was originally used in African American communities as a way of saying "hey." Over time, it evolved into a more general greeting that could be used by anyone.
Top 81 Slang For Whats Up – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang
2023年10月4日 · When answering a phone call, you can say, “Hey, what’s up?” In a casual setting, you might say, “Hey, long time no see!” 3. Yo. A slang greeting that is often used among friends or peers. It is a casual and informal way to say hello or get someone’s attention. For example, “Yo, what’s happening?”
老外问你"What's up? ",千万别回答"I am fine!" - 知乎专栏
“What's up?”其实是“What's happening?(发生了什么)”,“What's going on (能勾起发问者兴趣的事情)? ”的另一种形式。 That is an expression that has about as much meaningfulness as "How are you?" or "How's it going?" 这是一个和"How are you?"、"How's it going?" 基本上有相同意义的表达。 All, including "What's up?" are used as greetings. 它们所有的,包括"What's up?"都可以用 …
美国人跟你打招呼说what s up dude?该怎么回答比较地道? - 知乎
Whats up?和How are you doing?一般是美国人习惯用. 而How are you?一般是英国人比较喜欢用. 实际意思都差不多,都是打招呼随口问问“嘿,最近咋样?”的感觉。
老外最爱说的“what’s up”什么意思?回答错真的超尴尬!
2024年11月14日 · 翻译成中就是“ 干嘛呢哥们/兄弟? A: Hey! What's up bro? B: Nothing much! I'm just playing basketball. 你知道吗,其实Hello是有很多种用法。 不是所有的hello都用来打招呼,在老外的文化中hello也可以表示很惊讶、疑惑的意思,有时候还能表示“ 有没有搞错? ”的意思。 You don't say可不要以为是“你你不要说话”,这就是典型的中式英语! 如果你是这样翻译可能会引起祸事的~ "I'm a writer."—"You don't say. What kind of book are you writing?" 这句话和上面 …
Hey man. What's up. yo〜man〜 *什么意思啊 - 百度知道
What's up:英 [wɒts ʌp] 美 [hwɑts ʌp] 怎么了,出什么事啦?出什么问题啦?出什么毛病啦? 扩展资料: 英语常见打招呼用语 . 1、只要是朋友都能用的: . How's everything? 一切都好? . What's up? 近况如何? . What's new? 有什么新鲜事?
Yo, what’s up 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说? - HiNative
In the formal translation, the greeting "Hello" and the polite inquiry "how are you?" make the expression formal. In the casual translation, the informal greeting "Hey" and the colloquial expression "how's it going?" make the expression casual. "Yo, what's up" is already an english phrase. did you select the wrong language or question template?
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