I should have perhaps typed this up beforehand. Working on it.
Customer: Hello, I should have perhaps typed this up beforehand. Working on it. Thanks Lawyer's Assistant: Because employment law varies from place to place, can you tell me what state this is in? Customer: PA Lawyer's Assistant: Has anything been filed or reported? Customer: No Lawyer's Assistant: Anything else you want the lawyer to know before I …
Customer: THYANHK YO8U, Lawyer's Assistant: What state/territory is this in? It matters because laws vary by location. Customer: I VE HAD A GARAGE DOOR INSTALLED AND THE COMPANY WHO INSTALLED IT LEFT HMY HOME LATE AT NIGHT. I had to leave them as I was going out. Lawyer's Assistant: What steps have you taken so far? Customer: He had also told me that he would not realise to remote till I'd ...
What would cause your hair to feel as if it’s being ... - JustAnswer
Customer: What would cause your hair to feel as if it’s being pulled when it’s not?
Troubleshooting TV Menu Issues: Expert Solutions for Samsung, …
Customer: My tv screen keeps showing the menu screen, popping up with no direction from me. I tried unplugging the tv...no luck. The tv also turns on by itself.
Expert Advice on Complex Family Relationships and Boundaries
Customer: As messed up as this sounds, I am a 22 year old male and I want to have sex with my older sister who is 24. When we were kids we both willingly experimented with each other. I was young when we started, probably around 2nd grade just kissing in our under wear. Then when I was in fourth grade we started performing oral sex on each other. This is as far as we went when we experimented ...
I accidentally marked that I was not able to be claimed as a …
As yo8u'll note the 1040X has three columns...YO8u'll enter the numbers it asks for (essentially sub-totals from the originally filed return) in column A...YOu'll then re-work your entire return ... (which you Don't check the box, you'll no longer be eligible for the standard deduction and that will change all of the (certainly many of the ...
Mold allergy - Diagnosis & treatment - Mayo Clinic
2021年6月21日 · Coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes often accompany this common allergy. Find out how to treat this condition and help keep it under control.
I have a Casablanca fan with a light kit. I replaced the black and ...
Customer: I have a Casablanca fan with a light kit. I replaced the black and white wires coming from one of the four light sockets after the black wire was severed (long story), resulting in a small flame shooting out of the housing. The flame lasted about a second, and immediately afterward all four lights stopped working. After turning off the breaker …
I was married to one man for 25 yrs and got divorced...and …
Just make sure he is gentle with you, until yo8u feel comfortable with it.I hope that you find this answer helpful. If you are satisfied, please remember to ACCEPT the answer.
My 48 year-old, disabled son (bipolar disorder, obesity
Customer: My 48 year-old, disabled son (bipolar disorder, obesity, hypertension, aortic valve disorder) lives with his parents and receives SSI. Initially, his SSI payments were deposited in his checking account. So that I could monitor his financial management, my name was on the account. This worked well--for a while. Then, it fell apart. He overdrew his account repeatedly by sending money ...