Johanan (name) - Wikipedia
Yohanan יוֹחָנָן (Yôḥānān), sometimes transcribed as Johanan, is a Hebrew male given name that can also appear in the longer form of יְהוֹחָנָן (Yəhôḥānān), meaning "YHWH is gracious".
約哈南 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
約哈南又稱约哈难,拉丁字母形式分別為Yohanan、Yochanan和Johanan,是希伯来语男性名字 "יוֹחנָן"(Yôḥānān)的各种拉丁字母 转写,而 "יוֹחנָן"(Yôḥānān)是 "יְהוֹחנָן"(Yəhôḥānān)的缩写形式,意思是高尚的四字神名(耶和华)(YHWH is gracious)。
为何「John」要译成「约翰」而不是「卓恩」? - 知乎
因为John源自圣经里的人物,他是耶稣的十二门徒之一(圣经里有著名的《约翰福音》), 希伯来语 发音是Johanan(发音Yôḥānān),所以中文音译就叫「约翰」。 然后John这个名字传到不同地方,受到各地语言的影响,写法也不一样,再受到欧美人口自由流动的影响,最终又都同时存在于英语里。 Ivan是俄罗斯和中东欧等地的叫法,音译“伊万”。 Evan是英国威尔士地区的叫法,音译“埃文”。 Sean/Shawn是爱尔兰的叫法,音译“肖恩”。 Hans是德语里的叫法,音译“汉斯”。 …
Strong's Hebrew: 3110. יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan) -- John - Bible Hub
Usage: The name Yochanan means "Yahweh is gracious" or "Yahweh has shown favor." It is a common Hebrew name found in the Old Testament, often used to denote individuals who have experienced or are expected to experience God's grace and favor.
Yohannan - Wikipedia
Yohannan (Classical Syriac: ܝܘܚܢܢ) is a Syriac name, from the Hebrew name Yohanan, equivalent to English John. It may refer to: Yohannan the Leper, a.k.a. Yohannan Garba ("the Leper"), originally metropolitan of Nisibis, was anti-patriarch of …
Johanan | The amazing name Johanan: meaning and etymology
2011年5月31日 · One of the sons of Kareah who joined Ishmael on his visit to the Babylonian governor Gedaliah (Jeremiah 40:8). This Johanan secretly returned to Gedaliah in order to warn him about Ishmael's murderous plans, but to no avail (Jeremiah 40:13). After Ishmael succeeded in killing Gedaliah, Johanan and his men chased him.
为什么John不翻译成“琼恩”,而是翻译成“约翰”? - 知乎
Yohanan是希伯来语,意思为神 (是)仁慈的/神 (是)恩惠的。 拉丁语发音是Iohannes,希腊语发音是Ioannes(没有送气音h)。 法语的让(Jean),英语和北德意志的约翰(John),德语和荷兰语的约翰/约翰内斯(Johannes),荷兰语及波兰语的扬(Jan),西班牙语的胡安(Juan),意大利语的乔万尼(Giovanni),还有俄语的伊万,阿拉伯语的叶海亚,都是约翰的变体。 中文的译名,天主教会一般译为若望,新教译为约翰。 除此之外,英文名John和Jack也是同源的,在中 …
Yohanan, Yochanan and Johanan are various transliterations to the Latin alphabet of the Hebrew male given name יוֹחָנָן (Yôḥānān), a shortened form of יְהוֹחָנָן (Yəhôḥānān), meaning "Yahweh is gracious". The name is ancient, recorded as the name of Johanan, high priest of the Second Temple around 400 BCE.
Jonathan | "Jonathan" 的词源、"Jonathan" 的起源和意思
男性专有名词,圣经中扫罗的儿子,源自希伯来语 Yonathan,是 Yehonathan 的简称,字面意思是“主已赐予”(比较 Nathan)。 也可比较 John。 作为美国的前身象征,有时被人格化为 Brother Jonathan,始于1816年。 传统上说这是因为乔治·华盛顿在提及康涅狄格州州长乔纳森·特伦布尔(1710-1785)时使用它,他有时会向其寻求建议(参见撒母耳记下1.26);因此意为“新英格兰人”,最终演变为“美国人”。 但这个故事仅源于19世纪中期,并没有记录支持。
Strong's Hebrew: 3076. יְהוֹחָנָן (Yehochanan) -- Jehohanan, Johanan
Usage: The name Yehochanan means "Yahweh is gracious" or "Yahweh has shown favor." It is a common Hebrew name found in the Old Testament, often used to denote individuals who were recipients of God's grace or favor. The name reflects a …