Refined, Redefined. | YOHO MALL
yoho mall i 形點 i. 元朗元龍街9號及朗日路9號. yoho mall ii 形點 ii. 元朗朗日路8號. yoho mix 元點. 元朗朗樂路1號. yoho plus 加點
Yoho Mall - Wikipedia
YOHO Mall is a shopping centre in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, near Light Rail Yuen Long stop and MTR Yuen Long station. It is part of Sun Hung Kai Properties's "Yoho" housing development. [1]
友和 YOHO | 就係友和乜都有喎
友和官方網站,網購電器及電子產品,包括數碼娛樂、手機通訊、電腦、美容及護理儀器、生活電器、廚房電器、大型電器,以及百貨商品包括生活時尚、美妝及護膚、健康及保健、家居、母嬰、寵物用品、葡萄酒及烈酒、玩具等等。 100,000款產品,最快即日配送。
YOHO Mall - Sun Hung Kai Properties
Comprising both YOHO MALL I and YOHO MALL II, this complex is SHKP’s flagship shopping centre in New Territories North and West. YOHO Mall, located in the heart of Yuen Long, is connected to MTR Yuen Long Station and offers a comfortable shopping ambience that blends lifestyle with lush greenery.
YOHO MALL 形點 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
YOHO MALL 形點 (英語: YOHO MALL)是由 新鴻基地產 發展的大型購物商場群,位於香港 新界 元朗 雞地,鄰近 港鐵 屯馬綫 元朗站,是新鴻基地產 YOHO系列 地產發展項目的一部分。 商場佔地110萬方呎,是 新界西 和新界北面積最大旗艦商場 [1];整個商場分四期興建,目前第三期還會擴建,第四期商場興建中。 北部都會區 於2021年成立,YOHO MALL暫時是該區最大的購 …
YOHO MALL - Hong Kong Tourism Board
Large scale shopping mall in Yuen Long nearby tourist attractions, good for dining, shopping & leisure experience. With shopping rebates and free bus ticket redemption.
Yoho Mall
The Yoho Mall is the feature shopping mall in Yuen Long, located just next to the MTR Station. Yoho Phase I opened in 2015 and was soon joined by Yoho Phase II (formerly the Sun Yuen Long Centre).