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YOU S2 | Official Teaser | Netflix - YouTube
Watch YOU, Only on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80226954...
You season 2 - Wikipedia
In the second season, Joe Goldberg moves from New York to Los Angeles to escape his past, and starts over with a new identity. He meets a series of people, including his neighbors Delilah and Ellie Alves, and Forty Quinn. When he meets avid chef Love Quinn, twin sister of Forty, Joe begins falling into his old patterns of obsession and violence.
你 第二季 You Season 2 (2019) - 豆瓣电影
2019年12月26日 · 本剧改编自卡罗琳·凯内斯的同名畅销小说。 “为了爱情,你会做出什么? ”一位才华横溢的书店老板邂逅一位有抱负的女作家后,明确了这个问题的答案:任何事情。 他通过互联网和社交媒体收集关于她的一切私密信息,努力靠近她,并从自我陶醉而尴尬的一见钟情迅速转入病态迷恋,不动声色并巧妙地清除情路上的各种障碍,甚至包括活生生的人。 该剧由佩恩·拜德格雷、伊丽莎白·莱尔、薛·米契尔、卢卡·帕多凡和扎克·切利主演。 求问:玻璃房的塑料装里装 …
Season 2 – You - Rotten Tomatoes
Watch You — Season 2 with a subscription on Netflix, or buy it on Fandango at Home. Penn Badgley's perversely endearing serial stalker keeps looking for love in all the wrong places during a...
You Season 2 Recap: What did Love do with Delilah? - Netflix
2023年2月15日 · Joe is so freaked out that he relocates to Los Angeles, a city he loathes — no one would ever look for him there. Joe moves into a new apartment in Hollywood, uses his …
You Season 2 Recap and Ending Explained: Who Died, What's …
2021年9月11日 · Here is everyone who died in Season 2 of You. Joe's Father (Flashback) We dove deeper into Joe's past in Season 2, specifically the abusive relationship between his …
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You: Season 2 (2019) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
2019年12月26日 · Joe – now “Will” – arrives in his own personal hell on Earth: LA. He's trying to go straight, but the past doesn’t always leave well enough alone. Joe realizes Will Bettelheim …
Season 2 - YOU Wiki
To escape Candace and the ghosts of his past in New York City, Joe changes his name and moves to Los Angeles, vowing to start fresh and change his ways. But then he meets Love, his charming new coworker. Joe realizes Will Bettelheim isn't all he's cracked up to be. The fallout threatens to get in the way of his burgeoning connection with Love.
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