kanji - Both on'yomi and kun'yomi in a first name? - Japanese …
2017年1月15日 · But, there are certainly names containing kanji with both on'yomi and kun'yomi, e.g. 秀輝【ひでき】, 亮介【りょうすけ】. (すけ is a common suffix for names, derived from kun'yomi たすける with quite a broad range of common possible kanji : 介・助・輔・佑・亮.)
Foreign names in Kanji. On'yomi, Kun'yomi or a mix of readings?
I don't think the mixture of On'yomi and Kun'yomi in foreign words is wrong. In Japanese names, it is natural to mix On'yomi and Kun'yomi. 涼子 (ryou-ko) is a common given name and 涼(ryou) is On'yomi while 子(ko) is Kun'yomi. So, such mixture in names isn't wrong either. So, you can mix the readings to write your foreign name.
What was the process by which 有職読み applied to personal …
The article above says; it's misconception that "it was traditional for a prestigious or extremely honorable man whose name was read with kun'yomi to have the reading of his personal name changed to on'yomi" and the terminology of 有職読み is caused by misreading a book called 日本の女性名, which points out that women's names were on-yomi-ed too.
How many unique on'yomi are there? - Japanese Language Stack …
2015年5月17日 · 1460 kanji have single ON-yomi; 401 kanji have 2 different ON-yomi ; 63 kanji have 3 different ON-yomi ; 11 kanji have 4 different ON-yomi ; 5 kanji have 5 different ON-yomi ; 5 kanji don't have ON-yomi (込, 枠, 畑, 峠, 匁) 375 kanji don't have KUN-yomi; 5 most popular readings are: ショウ (77 characters have it!), コウ, シ, カン ...
Can I use my Chinese name as my Japanese name?
2022年8月14日 · If I check a name dictionary, I can actually find tens of possible readings for 陳. Most are similar to チェン. For example you have じん、しょう、ちいん、ちぇん etc. However, I see also the more Japanese sounding のぼる (given name) or the kind of particular くわおつく …
kanji - Why are some names pronounced differently from their on …
2019年4月27日 · One for me is that I don't understand why some kanji are pronounced in a way that is different from both kun-yomi and on-yomi readings. For example, let's take the name 一馬 ( Kazuma ). I can't seem to find any kanji dictionary (with English definitions) that state that the character 一 can be pronounced as ka.
Chinese Name into Japanese - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
2021年2月20日 · The only other option is to use katakana to transcribe my western name, which is one of those Christian names that can be translated into many languages (my first name is the name of the Biblical figure, John the Apostle - 使徒ヨハネ Shito Yohane, who wrote the Gospel of John - ヨハネによる福音書 Yohane ni Yoru Fukuinsho, and my ...
What is ateji? Are they different from on'yomi?
2021年9月20日 · In simplest form, on'yomi and kun'yomi are ways of reading kanji that relate to the meaning of the character. So, for example, if 独 is referring to something being alone, then you're using either an on'yomi (e.g. doku) or a kun'yomi (e.g. hitori). If you take a kanji's reading and use it to write another word, then that's ateji.
Why was on'yomi (音読み) created? - Japanese Language Stack …
2019年11月23日 · A Japanese last name with some "on-yomi" reading is unusual and suggests that family "might" have some aristocratic lineage (this can be a great conversation starter. it would be a funny "complement" to say.) Only the elites / scholars would have known the writing system, thus would have known the "on-yomi" sounds to put in their last name.
Can a Japanese word combine both on'yomi and kun'yomi …
2021年10月13日 · The word kun'yomi is spelled 訓【くん】読【よ】み, literally meaning 訓【くん】 (kun, "meaning") + 読【よ】み (yomi, "reading"). The kun'yomi pronunciation of any kanji usually derives from native Japanese vocabulary, as the Japanese approximation of the meaning of the Chinese word when it was borrowed from Middle Chinese ...