yone better in mid or toplane? : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2022年4月16日 · Also, wave management is arguably more important in top lane than mid and vice versa for early game roaming. Top lane is a longer lane, which works well with Yone E if you have a wave frozen on your side. Sure mid/late game win cons might be similar but the early game lane is a struggle top, usually because most matchups are disadvantageous to ...
How good is yone top? : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2021年2月18日 · Top is where I usually bring Yone and he certainly has good matchups top. He's actually a really good counter to most ranged top laners since you can safely farm with his Q and get some good trades with his E. (Granted Teemo is still obnoxious but that's because his poison does a ridiculous amount of damage and you have like 500 HP at level 1.)
Yone tips and tricks : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2022年1月17日 · Yone top oftenly goes 2 ways : Everything is working great Or you're getting obliterated You need to learn how to push and reset in order to play your toplane close to your tower. 2 reasons for this. You can poke the enemy when …
Is yone viable top at all? : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2021年9月8日 · I agree Yone top is super good once you get a hang of it. Just imprint one thing in your brain "I will not die in the early game". This is the most important thing - DO NOT DIE EARLY. With items you can 1v1 the enemy top laner in the mid game and start snowballing.
why yone top better than mid? : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2022年1月14日 · By picking AD top it doesn’t typically lock your team into something like full ad. But if you go mid yone and your jungle top don’t have ap champs in their pool then game becomes really hard. Also people who play yone too tend to just be top lane players or otp things like yasuo yone top therefore higher win rate.
Yone Top is stronger than you think : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2023年9月10日 · Once a midlaner, Yone is now primarily played in top lane. He isn't really viable in mid lane anymore, however, he stomps every single champion in top lane including Jax. He does not have any hard top matchups anymore and he is basically a lane bully that scales better than any other top laner including Kayle.
S14 Yone Top : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2023年11月24日 · Fighters will be weaker and even though Yone loses hullbreaker he will be able to build Terminus before or after his crit items + kraken got a huge buff. I believe Yone will be the strongest top laner once the new season drops. Any thoughts? Do you guys think any other champion will be able to match Yone after 3 items?
How to beat yorick? : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2022年4月27日 · The official subreddit for players of Yone, the Unforgotten. If you wish to hone your dual-bladed discipline and achieve unparalleled skill, then this is the place you seek.
Dzukill build - Yone top : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2023年2月14日 · Dzukill is building BT first item on Yone top (after Greaves) and running Overheal rune. What do you guys think? With Overheal + BT he gains a massive shield after stacking on minions. He also gets and additional dagger before BT …
Yone Matchup Spreadsheet (Google Doc) : r/YoneMains - Reddit
2022年2月17日 · With the help of my editor, I put together a complete matchup spreadsheet for Yone with matchup difficulty, runes/starting items for each matchup, and advice on how to play each lane. Spreadsheet here. If you guys have any questions about Yone or some feedback for the spreadsheet, please send it here :) Thank you all for the support!