Dowoon (DAY6) Profile (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
Dowoon (도운) is a member of the South Korean band DAY6 under JYP Entertainment. He debuted as a soloist on September 27, 2021 with the single “Out of the Blue”. – Dowoon’s hometown is Busan, South Korea. – Dowoon has an older sister. – Education: Busan Arts College. – Dowoon was not part of the original Day6 lineup, known as 5LIVE.
尹度云 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
尹度云 (朝鲜语: 윤도운,1995年8月25日 —),藝名: 度云 (朝鲜语: 도운),韓國男歌手、鼓手、作曲家和作詞家,亦為韓國男子樂團 DAY6 與子團 DAY6 (Even of Day) 的成員,2015年9月7日於韓國正式出道 [1]。 中學二年級時進入樂隊部,開始學習打 鼓。 Peniel藝術高中畢業後,升入釜山藝術大學,主修爵士鼓,夢想是成為爵士鼓老師,在2015年4月大學二年級,從助教處聽說JYP要舉行鼓手選秀,參加甄選後獲合格,成爲練習生3個月後於同年9月出道,成爲 …
Dowoon - Wikipedia
Yoon Do-woon (Korean: 윤도운; born August 25, 1995), [1] known mononymously as Dowoon, is a South Korean musician, best known as the drummer and vocalist of the pop rock band Day6.
Dowoon - Day6 Wiki
Yoon Do-woon (윤도운; ユン・ドウン), mostly known by simply Dowoon, is a South Korean drummer and singer under the JYP Entertainment agency. He's the drummer, sub-vocalist and the maknae on DAY6, and also the leader of DAY6 (Even of Day). He made his solo debut as a singer on September 27, 2021 with the...
Dowoon (DAY6) profile, age & facts (2025 updated) | kpopping
2021年9月27日 · Yoon Dowoon (윤도운) is the drummer and youngest member of the band Day6 under JYP Entertainment. He was the last member to join the group in 2015 and is the reason for the name change from 5Live to D...
Yoon Do Woon (윤도운) - MyDramaList
Yoon Do Woon is a South Korean singer, musician and member of DAY6 (데이식스). He graduated from Buniel Arts High School and later obtained a bachelor's degree in Drums from Busan Arts University. In 2014, JYP Entertainment (JYP엔터테인먼트) began promotions for their new band (named 5LIVE).
도운 - 나무위키
데이식스 에서 드럼을 열심히 치고 있는 윤도운입니다. [24] 대한민국 의 가수. JYP엔터테인먼트 소속 4인조 밴드 DAY6, 유닛 DAY6 (Even of Day) 의 멤버로 포지션은 드럼. 활동기마다 리더가 바뀌는 Even of Day 의 1대 리더였다. [25] 2. 데뷔 전 [편집] 중학교 때 밴드부 에 들어가면서 드럼 을 본격적으로 치기 시작했다. 이후 드럼 전공으로 브니엘예술고등학교 를 졸업한 뒤, 부산예술대학교 에 진학해 드럼 을 전공했다. 원래는 드럼 선생님이 꿈이었던 평범한 대학생 이었다. 재학 중이던 …
尹度云 - 百度百科
尹度云,1995年8月25日出生于韩国釜山广域市,韩国流行乐男歌手、主持人,男子乐队DAY6鼓手及组合小分队DAY6 (Even of Day)成员。 2015年9月,随乐队发行首张迷你专辑《The Day》,正式出道。 2016年5月起,开始担任电台节目《幸福的下午两点》的固定主持人。 2017年1月,随乐队推出年度音乐计划“Every Day6”;6月,随乐队发行首张正规专辑《Sunrise》。 2018年3月,随乐队发行首张日文EP《If ~また逢えたら~》,在日本出道;10月,随乐队发行首张 …
Dowoon - Kpop Wiki
Dowoon (도운) is a South Korean singer-songwriter and musician under JYP Entertainment. He is the drummer and maknae of the boy band DAY6 and its sub-unit DAY6 (Even of Day). He made his solo debut with his first digital single "Out of the Blue" on September 27, 2021. He officially debuted as the...
DOWOON (DAY6) Profile, Facts & Favorites - karchives
DOWOON is a member of the K-pop boy band DAY6. Full Name: Yoon Dowoon. Birthday: August 25. Blood Type: O.