Use of "Have" in questions "Do you have" or "Have you"
2016年8月25日 · "Have you got the time" is not the same construction as "have you any thoughts" or the sentence in the OP. The "have" here is an an auxiliary verb and does not indicate possession, though "have got" is idiomatic for possession. Also, is this equivalent to "do you know what time it is" or can it mean "do you have available time"?
sentence meaning - If you have vs If you had - English Language ...
They are not your friends if you had to change for them. They are not your friends if you have to change for them. Context: 1 2 3 are are a group of friends, 4 considers them as his friends and wants to join them, the three friends tell him that he should change his look to show that he's worthy of being their friend and hang out with them.
pronouns - it is you who has vs. it is you who have - English …
2017年1月21日 · The pronoun you could be referring to a single person or to a group" but the verb that follows is always plural (unless you happen to speak AAVE). P.S by adding "guys" you're changing the OP's example, You guys have.. is of course grammatical, try saying You guys has... PPS (for visitors) Not my DV –
Which is the correct question ("Who has" vs "Who have")?
If you want to know who still hasn't handed in their assignment, you would ask: "Who hasn't yet handed in their assignment?", otherwise, it sounds like I've missed the first half of a statement: "Those of you who haven't already handed in your assignment, you have until Friday to do so" or "Any students who haven't yet handed in their ...
What is correct answer for the question "Do you have..."?
2016年2月7日 · Yes, I do have money. is grammatically correct, but it is only natural when one wants to make an emphatic response. To my (American) ear, the following sentence is only natural in the past tense, not in the present tense: Yes, I have. Sentence 6 is natural in the following context: Have you stopped by the ATM? Yes, I have.
Is the correct response "here you are" or "here you have"?
2018年9月27日 · "Here you have" is not idiomatic. You could idiomatically say "Now you should have what you want," but to me it sounds very stiff and formal. EDIT: I should have qualified that what I said above is limited to the U.S.
Difference between "Would have to " and "Will have to"
2019年7月25日 · If you want a bigger screen, you will have to spend more money. But 'would have to' is used to be more polite to make some hypothetical statement. It is used in 2nd conditional where it denotes an unreal possibility, i.e., a condition in theory possible to fulfil : If you wanted a bigger screen, you would have to spend more money.
sentence construction - How to use Are you and have you?
2015年1月18日 · If you want to ask a question, but don't want to use a progressive tense, and aren't using any other helping verbs like have, will, should, you'll generally need to use do as a helping verb. Did you return from the conference?
word order - "Did you have..." or "Have you had..." - English …
2017年12月27日 · As with questions of verbal aspect generally, in many contexts both are perfectly good. "Have you had a tiring day" is regarding the day as continuing into the present - it might actually not have finished yet, or the tiring part may be over. "Did you have a tiring day" does imply that the day (or at least, the tiring part of it) is over.
grammaticality in context - Confusing between "having" or "to …
The nuance of to have and having is interesting. In addition to the matter of present and continuous, this also speaks about the possession and the action. Being happy is to have dreams in life - to have here talks a bit more about the possession. Being happy is having dreams in life - having here talks a bit more about the action.