Do you write cursive? - the Data Lounge
2022年11月29日 · We learned how to write in cursive in the third grade. The teachers were meticulous. I remember writing the letter "G" 100 times in a row. We spent three weeks (two hours each afternoon) learning. Afterward, we were expected to write in cursive exclusively. Nothing could be turned in to the teachers with print writing on it.
James Taylor - the Data Lounge
2020年2月17日 · Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." Take a look at our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, click ACCEPT. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site for your pointless bitchery needs.
What Caused Tom Cruise To Go Off The Deep End? - the Data …
2021年12月24日 · Humans are humans. You act like money makes you a superhuman and stop having normal feelings and insecurities. We are still cavemen with instincts and chemicals that control us. We just know live in houses and drive cars but we're still mentally hunter gatherers. Hollywood is just good at making these people seem more invincible than they are.
Why Are All of These Young Men So Muscular Today? - the Data …
2020年8月11日 · I post the pictures to visually contend points during discussion and exemplify my overall concern. I don’t like the way things are and I’m speaking out. If you’re fine with what’s going on and/or you’re incapable of engaging in a sensible debate, then maybe this isn’t the thread for you. The same goes for R27.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
2023年8月17日 · Bomer technically didn't show hole, but you can catch a glimpse of it if you take a screenshot and turn the brightness up at just the right moment when he's being serviced. Just sayin'. Johnny's skin looks so healthy in closeups, good for him. He should just keep doing what he's doing, skincare- and diet-wise.
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
2022年5月4日 · Just how things naturally end up when you had a class that was snobbish, isolationist and couldn't adapt to the times. The Last Days of Disco has a very melancholy feeling. He lampoons both the conservatives and bleeding …
Handsome men of finance - the Data Lounge
2020年1月16日 · Robert Kaplan, president of the Dallas fed. r1. Elder gay who spent his youth cruising bars in a vain attempt to find love and instead wound up HIV infected and now is resentful that he's dependant on Republican backed Big Pharma to keep him from dying, while spending everyday praying that his antiretrovirals don't become resistant.
Travel destinations you hated and never want to see again - the …
2018年5月23日 · Only an idiot keeps painting wood siding year after year because they're too stupid to take advantage of modern technology. If you live by the sea you're fighting a losing battle with the elements if you insist on having any kind of wood outside (including decks). People had no choice back in the Victorian era when many seaside towns were ...
Do you have any interesting celebrity gossip? - the Data Lounge
2020年8月3日 · R73, perhaps you shouldn't believe everything you read from "recent gossip sources" People spread fake rumors about male stars being molested because they think Hollywood is run by "fags" and they think "fags" molest boys. Perhaps you shouldn't believe everything you hear from QAnon and the Entertainment Lawyer
Which stars of Hollywood's Golden Age were genuinely …
2021年3月29日 · I think that Hedda and Louella were the type that if you were gay but made an attempt at a happy lavender marriage, they rewarded you by keeping mum about your inclinations. It was all about keeping up appearances. But if they ever got wind that you weren't keeping your end of the social contract, they dropped vicious hints about it in their ...