英语:我对什么什么的看法: my view of 还是my view on 还是两 …
2012年12月25日 · 表达“(理解或解释某问题的)方式,方法,印象”用view of sth: take a realistic view of the problem. 对该问题有实际的印象。 你的提问是就“自己的观点”加以表达,个人认为用on更为妥当,因为on在英语中更多表示“就某话题专门谈论”的意思,用on更能表达你对该 ...
"A view on" vs "a view of" - English Language Learners Stack …
What is the difference, if any, between the meaning of "a view on" and "a view of"? Example: a new view of environmentalism. vs. A new view on Environmentalism . Both can be found with more or less frequency on the web, and the same on Google Ngram
view on vs. view of - WordReference Forums
2008年8月21日 · One has a view ON an issue, as one has an opinion ON a subject. ON tends to be a catch-all preposition that is used when nothing better exists (such new things e.g. on the telephone - on TV/Radio etc.). OF is more precise a denotes something more specific and close.
"view of" 和 "view on" 和 "view about" 和 "Is it similar ... - HiNative
Yes, view means opinion, how you see something. "View on" is the most common one for opinions/thoughts/views. You say "view of" when you can physically see something. "The view of the park" We don't say "What about your views about...?" Or "My view about...". You should use "about" with "think" like "what do you think about...?" Or "I think..."
Is it Correct to Say 'What's Your View on This'? - BroadLearners
2023年11月8日 · Yes, it is correct to say 'What's your view on this?'. This phrase is commonly used to ask someone for their opinion or perspective on a particular topic or situation. When using this phrase, it is important to note that 'view' refers to someone's opinion or viewpoint.
我对什么什么的看法: my view of 还是my view on 还是两个都可 …
2012年12月25日 · my view on 对……的具体看法 做宾语 what's your view on …… my view of 强调我的……观, 做主语 my view of life is ……我的人生观是……
view of or view on? - TextRanch
2024年3月28日 · Both 'view of' and 'view on' are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'View of' is more commonly used when referring to someone's opinion or perspective on a particular topic, while 'view on' is often used when discussing how …
your view - 英中 – Linguee词典
When you have grouped projects in Projects view, simply click a header to “drill down”, filte ring your view to a specific group of projects. 當你在計劃案檢視中把計劃案分好群組,只要點擊標題即可深入檢視,篩選並顯示特定的計畫案群組。 [...]
view on是什么意思_view on的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 …
What's your view on this matter? 你对这件事怎么看? You should not force your view on others. 不宜强加于人. You are misrepresenting my view on this matter. 你在曲解我对此事的意见. Is it right for the Church to express a view on political issues? 教会对政治问题发表看法是否恰当? His view on the issue is consonant with mine. 他对这个问题的看法和我一致. What's your point of view on nuclear power?
what is your view on | English examples in context | Ludwig
The part of the sentence "what is your view on" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you want to ask the opinion of someone on a particular topic. For example: "What is your view on the current economic situation?".