Hourly, long term and precipitation map from NRK and Meteorologisk institutt.
What are these Yr, Ya and PR quantities in the results - PVsyst forum
2013年7月4日 · Yr is numerically equal to the incident energy in the plane of array [POA], expressed in [kWh/m²] (see below). - Ya [kWh/kWp] = Array Yield is the array daily output energy, referred to the nominal power [kWh / KWp]. - Yf [kWh/kWp] = System Yield is the system daily useful energy, referred to the nominal power [kWh / KWp / day].
Normalised performance index - PVsyst documentation
PR = Performance Ratio = Yf / Yr, is the global system efficiency with respect to the nominal installed power and the incident energy. For stand-alone systems (or every system with limited load), we also introduce:
How to calculate PV performance ratio and performance index
Yf: [kWh/kW] final system yield (AC per rated DC) Yr: [kWh/kW] reference yield (DC) Yield losses are calculated by subtracting yields. The yield losses also have units of [kWh/kW]. They represent the amount of time the array would be required to operate at its rated power P0 to provide for the respective losses during the reporting period.
Project design > Results > Normalised performance index - PVsyst
- PR = Performance Ratio = Yf / Yr, is the global system efficiency with respect to the nominal installed power and the incident energy. For stand-alone systems (or every system with limited load), we also introduce:
2023年1月5日 · 计算公式:PR=Yf/Yr(Eout/P0)/(Hi/Gi,ref) 光伏PR值,全称为光伏系统效率(Performance Ratio),是一个光伏系统评价质量的关键指标,是电站实际输出功率与理论输出功率的比值,反映整个电站扣除所有损耗后(包括辐照损失、线损、器件损耗、灰尘损耗、热损耗 …
Project design > Results > Simulation variables: Grid system
= Yf / Yr = E_Grid / (GlobInc * PNomArray) NB: The Normalized Reference nominal energy at STC Yr [kWh el /kWp] is the electrical energy which would be produced by the Reference incident energy on the collector plane under STC conditions (1 kW irrad /m2, 25°C).
2019年4月11日 · 在IEC61724标准中,衡量一座光伏电站发电能力的核心推荐指标,主要包括Yr、Yf和PR值,三者定义及逻辑关系如下表: IEC61724中关于光伏发电性能评价指标参数的定义
PVsyst Tutorials.pdf - PVSYST USERS MANUAL Authors: Andr.
2018年3月25日 · In these units the values are expressed in [kW/kWp/day] and contain the following information: Yr Reference Yield Energy production if the system were always running at "nominal" efficiency, as defined by the array Pnom (nameplate value) at STC. This is numerically equivalent to the GlobInc value expressed in [kWh/m²/day].
- 评论数: 6
工程给排水图中 Y YL YY YYL W WL C CL P PL JL H代表的什么啊_百 …
2016年9月23日 · 如果分高低区通常用首字母表示即高区-G,低区-D。 排水管道-W,表示污水。 也有-F,就是废水。 很少见有用-P表示的。 消火栓管道-XH。 自动喷淋管道-Z或者-ZP. 采暖管道-R,一般实线表示供水管,虚线表示 回水管。 压力排水-PY. 冷凝水管道-N。 Q-流量或者风量。 H-扬程。 N-功率。 P-压力。 QW-潜污泵。 其他阀门、器具之类的都是用图形区分。 有设计图例吗? 工程给排水图中 Y YL YY YYL W WL C CL P PL JL H代表的什么啊排水的图纸中,缩写符号 …
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